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2016/08/22 14:44
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  • I lay awake all night

  • I must have insomnia because I didn't sleep a wink last night

  • I couldn't drop off at all last night

When you say, l lay awake it means you were lying down but couldn't sleep Insomnia is being unable to sleep even when you are tired If you drop off, you fall asleep
I lay awakeといえば、横にはなっているが、一睡もできなかったときに使います。insomniaとは、疲れているのに寝付けないときに使います。drop offとは、fall asleepと同じ意味です。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't even get a wink of sleep.

  • I wasn't able to sleep at all.

  • I couldn't sleep even a wink.

まず、本来は、このように一回きり(一回ごと)の「~出来る」は canではなく、 be able to を使うのが正式ですが、 be able to は、ややフォーマルになりますので、 会話では、can (この場合、過去ですのでcould)で、代用することがよく行われています。 一番簡単な例文が2つめので、 「まったく眠れなかった」が直訳です。 at all 「まったく」 最初と最後の例文ですが、 not get a wink of sleep  あるいは  not sleep a wink で 「まったく眠れない」という意味になります。 「一睡も」の「も」のニュアンスを出すのは、この場合、even ですので、 どちらにもevenがついています。 なお、~be able to の否定には、be unable to~もありますが、 be unable to~を使うと、かなりフォーマル(堅い表現)になりますので、 例文は not be able to~としてあります。(2つめの例文) ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
  • I couldn't sleep last night.

  • I couldn't sleep a wink last night.

It is quite common to say: I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep a wink. A wink means that you could not even close your eyes long enough to get some good rest. I hope that helps!
I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep a wink. という表現が一般的です。 a wink ということで、目を休ませることすらできなかったということを意味します。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I had a bout of insomnia..."I was up all night"

  • I didn't sleep a wink (idiom)

Sleepless nights are torture for some... This condition is known as insomnia...A sufferer is an insomniac! For most this is a rare ocurrence... We often use idoms to decribe the scenario: I was wide awake all night...I did not sleep a wink:I could not fall asleep... I had a sleepless night!
夜眠れないのは人によっては「torture(ひどい苦痛)」です... この症状のことを "insomnia" と言います...これに悩まされる人は "insomniac" です ほとんどの人にはこれはめったに起きません こうしたシナリオを説明する時はよくイディオムが使われます I was wide awake all night(ずっと目がさえていた) I did not sleep a wink(一睡もできなかった) I could not fall asleep(眠れなかった) I had a sleepless night!(夜眠れなかった)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I had acute insomnia last night.

  • I had a sleepless night last night

  • I kept on tossing and turning last night and could not sleep

The noun 'acute insomnia' means 'a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep'. Acute insomnia can last from one night to a few weeks. However, chronic insomnia can last a long time. So, you may say: I had acute insomnia last night. The adjective 'sleepless' means 'without sleep, or unable to sleep'. You may say: I had a sleepless night last night The phrase 'tossing and turning' means 'to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep'. So, you may say: I kept on tossing and turning last night and could not sleep
acute insomnia'という名詞は、睡眠障害という意味で 眠りに落ちる又は眠っていることが困難になります。 急性不眠症は、一晩から数週間続くことが あります。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 I had acute insomnia last night. 昨晩急性不眠症だった 'sleepless'という形容詞は、「睡眠が取れない」又は 「眠れない」という意味です。 こう言えます。 例文 I had a sleepless night last night 昨晩は眠れなかった 'tossing and turning'というフレーズは、 眠れないので、ベッドでずっと寝返りを打っていると いうことです。 ですからこう言えます。 例文 I kept on tossing and turning last night and could not sleep 昨晩ずっと寝返りを打っていて眠れなかった
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I felt like I had insomnia last night.

  • I failed to sleep last night.

*I felt like I had insomnia last night. Insomnia is a sleep condition where you are unable to sleep the whole night. This means that you could not sleep at all the whole night even when you tried to. *I failed to sleep last night. This is a direct way of expressing that you could not sleep at all the whole night.
例文I felt like I had insomnia last night. 昨晩全く寝ることが出来なかった気がする Insomnia(不眠症)は一晩中全く眠ることが出来ない 状態のことです。 この文は、寝ようとはしたけれど、一晩中全く眠ることが 出来なかったという意味です。 例文 I failed to sleep last night. 昨晩眠れなかった この文は、はっきりと一晩中全く眠ることが出来なかった ということを表現しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I just couldn't sleep last night.

  • I was up the whole night!

  • I was wide awake all night!

Also, I was tossing and turning in bed all night (to toss and turn means being unable to sleep as something is worrying you) I didn't get a wink of sleep last night (this means that I did not sleep at all last night) I spent a restless night! (Restless is the same as tossing and turning in bed) I was in the land of the living all night! ('In the land of the living' is a witty way of saying 'I was awake or alive')
他の例文 I was tossing and turning in bed all night 一晩中ベッドで寝返りを打っていた。 (to toss and turn は何かが心配で眠れない ということです。) I didn't get a wink of sleep last night 昨晩は一睡も出来なかった。 (昨晩全く眠れなかったということです) I spent a restless night! 眠れない夜を過ごしました。 (Restlessは、tossing and turning in bed と同じ意味です。) I was in the land of the living all night! 一晩中起きていました。 ('In the land of the living' は 眼が覚めている又は生きている ことを言う軽妙な表現です。)
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I didn't even get a wink of sleep last night.

  • I couldn't sleep at all last night.

If you would like to explain to someone that you could not sleep at all last night, you can say something like "I did not even get a wink of sleep in last night". A "wink of sleep" basically means the smallest/shortest amount of sleep, so saying that you did not even get A WINK OF SLEEP would mean that you did not get any sleep the night before.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't sleep at all last night.

  • I didn't sleep at all last night.

  • I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night.

In the first two example sentences, we actually have the same sentence structure but either use the auxiliary, "to do," or we use the past tense, "couldn't," to describe that we didn't have the capability to sleep.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't get any sleep last night

Saying that "I didn't get any sleep last night" means that you couldn't fall asleep at all last night. If you didn't get any sleep last night, there is a high probability that you will be feeling tired today. Insomnia is a medical term that is used to refer to people who suffer with the inability to fall asleep.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't sleep last night.

  • I got no sleep last night at all.

  • I didn't sleep a wink last night.

I couldn't sleep last night. I got no sleep last night at all. I didn't sleep a wink last night. When you want to tell others that you were unable to sleep the night before, you can use one of these three sentences. The first sentence is a very straight forward one, but the second two using, 'at all,' and, 'a wink,' a little but more native. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am so tired, but I didn't get a drop of sleep last night

  • I was wide awake last night all night.

  • I was unable to get some sleep last night, I was restless.

Some people when they cant sleep will call it insomnia. Acute insomnia is when it happens for a short period of time, but normal insomnia can last longer and can cause a strain on daily life it is keeps happening. Being restless can mean you was distressed whilst trying to get to sleep and could have been tossing and turning all night until a person is comfortable enough to sleep.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I had a hard time sleeping last night

  • I didn't sleep very well last night

It happens to many of us that sometimes we cannot sleep. We may be stressed out about something or we may have slept really late the day before and for this reason, we cannot sleep. "I had a hard time sleeping last night". A hard time means that it was very difficult for you to sleep. Maybe you slept in the end, but it was many hours after you went to bed "I didn't sleep very well last night" is a very simple explanation that you can use in any situation. It confirms that you did fall asleep but that maybe you woke up a lot or went to bed late and got up early.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I had trouble sleeping last night.

  • Last night I couldnt fall asleep for the life of me!

I had trouble sleeping last night. This expression is very simple and to the point. You are telling the person you are talking to that you had trouble falling asleep or you did not have a good night's sleep. Last night I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me! In this expression, you are emphasizing to the person you are talking to how frustrated you are due to not being able to sleep the night before. This phrase "for the life of me" can be used for different things, it basically means you are emphasizing that you cannot do something, in this case, fall asleep but can be used in other situations for example "This exam is going to be hard, I cannot understand the information for the life of me!"
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I had a hard time sleeping last night.

  • I did not get any sleep last night.

  • I didn't get any shut-eye.

shut-eye: idiom word that means sleep. If you are just making a statement You can say "I had a hard time sleeping last night." or "I did not get any sleep last night." When making a casual conversation you can say all three statements but you can use idiom vocabulary or idiom phrases like "I didn't get any shut-eye." You wouldn't really want to use idiom phrases in a business or professional setting. It is more for casual conversation.
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • I was tossing and turning all night.

  • I had insomnia last night

tossing and turning = to be unable to sleep because of worrying. "Bernard was tossing and turning all night." Insomnia = Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping. They may have difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep as long as desired. Insomnia is typically followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, irritability, and a depressed mood. It may result in an increased risk of motor vehicle collisions, as well as problems focusing and learning. Insomnia can be short term, lasting for days or weeks, or long term, lasting more than a month. "My god you look so tired!" "Well, I suffer from insomnia. What do you expect?"
tossing and turning = 心配で眠ることができないときに使います。 "Bernard was tossing and turning all night."バーナードは一晩中心配で眠りにつけなかった。 Insomnia = 不眠症。眠るのことが困難なこと。充分な眠りにつけない人もこう言います。 Insomniaは、よく昼間の眠気、無活力、イライラ、うつなどの症状もでてくることがあります。交通事故の増加や集中、学業の妨げなどの原因となる場合が多いです。Insomniaは、短期だけの場合もあるし、何日間から何週間など、一か月以上続く場合もあります。 例 "My god you look so tired!" "Well, I suffer from insomnia. What do you expect?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • not sleep at all

mmtsさん、ご質問ありがとうございます。 全力で回答します。 {英訳例} not sleep at all ↓ sleep 眠る not at all 少しも…しない ~~~~~~~~~ {解説} 「全く眠らない」という意味です。 これで「一睡もしない」を言い表せると思います。 ~~~~~~~~~ {例} I couldn't sleep at all last night. ⇒きのうは一睡もできませんでした。 I couldn't sleep at all that night. ⇒その日の夜は一睡もできませんでした。 I couldn’t sleep at all the night before. ⇒前日は一睡もできませんでした。 ~~~~~~~~~ お役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • I am unable to sleep.

  • I suffer from insomnia.

You could use any of the above two sentences to express that you are not able to sleep. 'Insomnia' ; (noun) The inability to sleep. 'Unable' ; when you can not.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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