世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/01 22:59
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  • Please draw what you want for Christmas on the paper given to you for the next 30 seconds.

draw what you want: 欲しいものを描いて for Christmas: クリスマスに on the paper given to you: 配られた紙に for the next thirty seconds: 次の30秒間で これらを組み合わせると以下の文章が出来上がります。 どんなものが描かれるか楽しみですね!
  • I am passing out a sheet of paper to everyone. Then you will have 30 seconds to draw a picture of what you want for Christmas.

  • This will be a fun. I will give everyone a sheet of paper and I want you to draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. You will have only 30 seconds to draw it.

  • On this sheet of paper I am passing out, I will have you draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. You will only have 30 seconds to draw it and do not start until I tell you to.

I am passing out a sheet of paper to everyone. Then you will have 30 seconds to draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. This will be a fun. I will give everyone a sheet of paper and I want you to draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. You will have only 30 seconds to draw it. On this sheet of paper I am passing out, I will have you draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. You will only have 30 seconds to draw it and do not start until I tell you to.
I am passing out a sheet of paper to everyone. Then you will have 30 seconds to draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. (全員に紙を一枚ずつ配ります。それから、30秒の間にクリスマスに欲しいものの絵を描いてください) This will be a fun. I will give everyone a sheet of paper and I want you to draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. You will have only 30 seconds to draw it. (これは楽しいですよ。全員に紙を一枚ずつ配るので、そこにクリスマスに欲しいものの絵を描いてください。30秒で描いてください) On this sheet of paper I am passing out, I will have you draw a picture of what you want for Christmas. You will only have 30 seconds to draw it and do not start until I tell you to. (これから配るこちらの紙に、クリスマスに欲しいものの絵を描いてください。30秒間で描いてください、私が「始めて」と言うまで描かないでください)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • You will receive a sheet of paper and you will have 30 seconds to draw what you'd like for Christmas

"You will receive a sheet of paper and you will have 30 seconds to draw what you'd like for Christmas" To 'receive' something is to be given something, in this case a sheet of paper. A 'sheet of paper' is referred to a 'piece' of paper.
"You will receive a sheet of paper and you will have 30 seconds to draw what you'd like for Christmas" (今から配る紙にクリスマスに欲しいものを30秒で描いてください) 'receive' は、何かを「渡す」ことをいいます。この場合は「紙」を渡します。 'sheet of paper' は 'piece of paper'(一枚の紙)のことです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I am passing a sheet of paper for you to draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds

  • Can you draw on the piece of paper in 30 seconds what you want for christmas

To pass something means to give it to someone else, drawing is when you make a picture of a thing you are thinking of Christmas is celebrated on 25th December and people give presents to each other to celebrate 30 seconds is the length of time equal to half a minute
To pass something' は「〔人に〕~を渡す」という意味です。 'To draw' は「絵を描く」ことをいいます。 'Christmas'(クリスマス)は12月25日に祝われます、この日には多くの人がプレゼントを贈り合います。 '30 seconds' は時間の長さで、'half a minute'(30秒)と等しいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to pass out a sheet of paper. In 30 seconds, I want you to draw what you want for Christmas.

  • I will be passing out a sheet of paper and I want you to draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds.

When you want to explain to your class that you will be handing out a piece of paper so that they can draw what they want on Christmas in thirty seconds; you can explain it in the following ways: -I am going to pass out a sheet of paper. In 30 seconds, I want you to draw what you want for Christmas. -I will be passing out a sheet of paper and I want you to draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds.
「今から配る紙にクリスマスに欲しいものの絵を30秒以内で描いてください」と生徒たちに説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -I am going to pass out a sheet of paper. In 30 seconds, I want you to draw what you want for Christmas. (今から紙を配りますので、クリスマスに欲しいものの絵を30秒で描いてください) -I will be passing out a sheet of paper and I want you to draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds. (今から紙を配りますので、クリスマスに欲しいものの絵を30秒で描いてください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I will circulate to everyone of you a sheet of blank paper on which you must draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds.

  • I am going to give each one of you a blank paper on which you will draw what you want for Christmas and you must finish within 30 seconds.

The verb to 'circulate' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to give or send something to a number of people so that each one can use it. In this case you are going to give to each student a blank sheet of paper on which they must draw what they want for Christmas. You further instruct them to complete the task 'within' 30 seconds. The adverb 'within' in this context means 'inside'. So, they must complete the drawing 'inside' 30 seconds and not 31 seconds. So, you may say to the students: I will circulate to everyone of you a sheet of blank paper on which you must draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds. or I am going to give each one of you a blank paper on which you will draw what you want for Christmas and you must finish within 30 seconds.
動詞の 'circulate' にはいくつか意味がありますが、ここでは「配布する」という意味です。この場面では、生徒に白紙を配布して、そこにクリスマスに欲しいものを描いてもらいます。 その後、これを30秒間で行うよう伝えています。'within' はここでは「~以内に」という意味です。ですから、絵を30秒以内に描き終えなければならないわけです、31秒ではダメということ。 次のように言えます。 I will circulate to everyone of you a sheet of blank paper on which you must draw what you want for Christmas in 30 seconds. (これからみんなに白い紙を配ります。そこにクリスマスに欲しいものを30秒以内に描いてください) I am going to give each one of you a blank paper on which you will draw what you want for Christmas and you must finish within 30 seconds. (これからみんなに白い紙を配ります。そこにクリスマスに欲しいものを30秒以内に描いてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • On these sheets of paper, please draw what you would like for Christmas. You have thirty seconds.

If you are a teacher, and you want to tell your students that you will pass out a sheet of paper to them and want them to draw on it what they want for Christmas, and they have 30 seconds to draw, then you can use the above suggestion.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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