I was not going to get anything, but I ended up buying it.
まず、「〜するつもりじゃなかった」というのは I was not going to ... を使って表現することが出来ます。
また、「結局〜してしまった」は ended up ... ing を使って
I was not going to get anything, but I ended up buying it.
I just went window shopping at the (shopping) mall but I couldn't help myself and bought it.
ショッピングモール a shopping mall, mall
ウィンドウショッピングをする go window shopping
我慢できず I can't help myself
買っちゃった bought it
I just went window shopping at the (shopping) mall but I couldn't help myself and bought it.
I just went window shopping at the (shopping) mall but I couldn't help myself and bought it.