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2016/09/29 18:25
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  • By when should I order a Christmas cake?

By when should I order a Christmas cake? 少しきき慣れないかもしれませんが、”By when-?”で「いつまでに〜?」 という意味の質問ができます! もうクリスマスシーズン!早いですね〜!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • When would be the best time to order Christmas cake?

  • How soon should I order Christmas cake?

1. When would be the best time to order Christmas cake? クリスマスケーキを注文するのに最適な時期はいつですか? The "best time"to do something is the most appropriate or most suitable time. 2. How soon should I order Christmas cake? どのくらい私はクリスマスケーキを注文するべきですか? This statement is asking at what time, or when is the earliest that I should order Christmas cake.
1. When would be the best time to order Christmas cake? (クリスマスケーキを注文するのに最適な時期はいつですか?) 何かをするための"best time"(最適な時期)あるいは"most suitable time" (最も適した時期)が、最も適切です。 2. How soon should I order Christmas cake? (どのくらい早くクリスマスケーキを注文するべきですか?) この例文では、クリスマスケーキを注文すべき最も早い時期を聞いています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What's your policy on when is the latest I can order a Christmas cake?

By asking about their policy, you're likely to get a detailed response from the bakery about how they plan and do things. This will be helpful, not only in this instance, but for future orders as well.
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • When should I order it by?

  • When's the latest I should order it?

When should I order it by? / When's the latest I should order it? - "to order something by (a date)" means to get that thing by a certain date You can also ask what is the "latest (time)" you should order. Basically, by asking what's the latest date to order the cake, you are asking how early you should order in order to get it on time. A. I want to buy a turkey online, but I need it in time for Thanksgiving. When should I order it by? B. I would say the Wednesday one week before Thanksgiving. It takes 5-7 business days for our orders to be delivered, and we don't deliver on Thanksgiving day. A. I want to buy a turkey online, but I need it in time for Thanksgiving. When's the latest I should order it? B. I would give it at least a week before Thanksgiving. It takes 5-7 business days for our orders to be delivered, and we don't deliver on Thanksgiving day.
例文 When should I order it by? いつまでにそれを注文すれば良いですか? When's the latest I should order it? それを注文できるのはいつまでですか? "to order something by (a date)"は特定の日までにその物を手に入れると いうことです。 例文 what is the "latest (time)" you should order. 注文できるのは一番遅くていつになりますか? とも尋ねることが出来ます。 基本的にケーキを注文できる最終日を尋ねることで、ケーキを予定通りに 受け取るためには、どれくらい早く注文したらよいかと尋ねています。 例文 A. I want to buy a turkey online, but I need it in time for Thanksgiving. When should I order it by? 七面鳥をネットで注文したいのですが、感謝祭に間に合うように注文する 必要があります。 いつまでにそれを注文すれば良いですか? B. I would say the Wednesday one week before Thanksgiving. It takes 5-7 business days for our orders to be delivered, and we don't deliver on Thanksgiving day. 感謝祭の1週間前の水曜日ですね。注文が配達されるまでに5~7営業日かかります。 また感謝祭の日は配達しません。 A. I want to buy a turkey online, but I need it in time for Thanksgiving. When's the latest I should order it? 七面鳥をネットで注文したいのですが、感謝祭に間に合うように注文する 必要があります。 注文できるのは一番遅くていつになりますか? B. I would give it at least a week before Thanksgiving. It takes 5-7 business days for our orders to be delivered, and we don't deliver on Thanksgiving day. 感謝祭の1週間前の水曜日ですね。注文が配達されるまでに5~7営業日かかります。 また感謝祭の日は配達しません。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • What is the deadline for a christmas cake order? When is the last date I can order a cake, to be ready for Xmas?

  • I wanted a cake but I missed the deadline for ordering!

There are specific time frames needed to create anything "hand made"... And peple must place an order before the set deadline... In order to have it delivered... "in time for Christmas".
手作りのものを作るために必要な時間があります。そして、締め切り前に注文をしなければなりません。それを... "in time for Christmas"「クリスマスに間に合うように」届けられるよう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • By what date/time should I order the Christmas cake?

  • When is the latest that I can order a Christmas cake?

  • When is the best time for me to order a Christmas cake?

If you want to order a cake for Christmas, but you need to know when you can order one, you can say, "By what date/time should I order the Christmas cake?"
クリスマスのケーキをいつオーダーしたらいいか確認するなら、以下のように聞けます: "By what date/time should I order the Christmas cake?" 何日/何時までにクリスマスケーキをオーダーしたらいいですか?
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What's the closing date for ordering Christmas cake?

  • What's the latest I may order Christmas cake?

The countdown to Christmas sometimes starts in the early autumn and many people prefer to organise themselves and get everything ready well in advance. However, some people, for a variety of reasons, leave things to the last moment and in that case, the closing date for the supply of Christmas items becomes an important consideration. Customer: "What's the closing date for ordering Christmas cake?" Baker: "It was yesterday." Customer: "Oh dear, I seem to have missed the boat!"
クリスマスへのカウントダウンは、秋のはじめ頃からスタートし、多くの人が前もって準備するのを好むようです。しかし、さまざまな理由で、ぎりぎりまで準備をしない人もいます。クリスマスアイテムの締め切りは、行動に移すのに重要ですよね。 Customer: "What's the closing date for ordering Christmas cake?" 客:クリスマスケーキのオーダー締め切りはいつですか。  Baker: "It was yesterday." パン屋:昨日でしたよ。 Customer: "Oh dear, I seem to have missed the boat!" 客:えぇそうなんですか。間に合わなかったみたいですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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