The road will be iced over and slippery, so let's leave early.
「氷でガタガタになる」はget icyとかbe iced overなどに訳せます。ただ、「ガタガタ」というbumpyとかunevenとかrattlingなどのことが表れていません。英語では「ガタガタ」みたいなオノマトペをよく使っていないんです。
例文:It's snowing, so the road will get icy and slippery, and we will have to drive slowly.(冬なので、道路が氷でガタガタになっていて滑りやすく、ゆっくり運転しなければなりません。)
The roads are really icy, bumpy and slippery, so we should leave a bit early this morning.
The roads are covered in ice and quite slippery, so we should give ourselves some extra time this morning.
ーThe roads are really icy, bumpy and slippery, so we should leave a bit early this morning.
icy で「氷で覆われた」
bumpy で「でこぼこの」
slippery で「ツルツルした・よく滑る」
ーThe roads are covered in ice and quite slippery, so we should give ourselves some extra time this morning.
to be covered in ice で「氷で覆われている」
give oneself some extra time で「人に余分の時間を与える」