世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/25 12:48
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  • Family time is very important to me.

  • I value the time I spend with my family.

「[家族](との時間を[大切にしたい](」は英語に訳すとこのようです。 I want to value the time I have with my family. けれども、上記の「家族との時間を大切にしたい」の「[したい](」の部分、英語で「want to」は少しだけ不自然だと思います。そういう言い方には、「したい」と言うと、今現在、家族との時間を大切にしていませんけど、いつか大切にしたいという意味合いが少しだけ入ってきます。こういう文脈は実際に正しい場合なら言えばいいです。 現在、家族との時間を大切にしている場合、つまり家族との時間の価値をよく感じている場合なら、このようは自然だと思います。 I value the time I spend with my family. Family time is very important to me. ワークライフバランスも関係ある表現かもしれません。こちらは英語からの外来語なので、英語では「work-life balance」になります。 I want to have a work-life balance. I want to have a better work-life balance. 英語頑張りましょう:)
  • Spending time with my family is really important for me.

  • Family always comes first.

  • I want to enjoy being with my family.

家族との時間を大切にしたい、は以下のように言い換えることができます。 1)Spending time with my family is really important for me. 「~が自分にとって[大事](だ」と言いたい時は「~ is (very/really) important for me」を使います。 Spending time with ○○=○○と時間を過ごす、というフレーズ。 主語に当たる、「~」には名詞、または動名詞を入れて文章を作りましょう。 Spending =動名詞ですよね。ですからフレーズそのまま入れる事ができます。 2)Family always comes first. 家族との時間を大切にしたい、という事は、家族が[最優先](だ、と言い換える事が出来きますよね。 その時に使えるのが、「○○comes first」です。 例えば、「子供の安全が最優先」と言いたい時は、The safety of children comes first になるわけです。 3)I want to enjoy being with my family. 家族との時間を大切にしたい、という事は、「家族の時間を[楽しみたい](」とも言い換える事ができます。 Enjoy+動名詞がくるのを忘れないでくださいね! I hope it helps :)
  • My family is important to me

  • One of my priorities is to spend time with my family

  • I am very family orientated, and like to spend time amongst them.

Being 'family orientated' means that you put a great importance on the value of family, spending time with them shows that this is important to you. Telling someone that your family 'comes first' also will show that you are placing them above any other commitments you might have. 'I cannot attend your meal as I am spending time with my family' 'I am very family orientated, how about you?'
「family orientated」とは家族に価値に重点をおいていて、一緒に過ごすことは重要だということを意味します。 また、家族に「comes first」ということは、他の約束より重要視していることを示します。 I cannot attend your meal as I am spending time with my family. 家族と過ごすので食事にいけません。 I am very family orientated, how about you? 家族第一主義です。あなたはいかがですか?
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • I really treasure the time I spend with my family.

  • I value the time I spend with my family.

*I really treasure the time I spend with my family.- If you treasure something it means that it is very important to you. *I value the time I spend with my family.- if you value something it means that it has a lot of quality and importance to you.
*I really treasure the time I spend with my family.- "treasure"は何かあなたにとって大切なものを意味します。 *I value the time I spend with my family. 何かを"value"する場合、それはあなたにとって価値のある大事なことであす。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I value the time that I spend with my family.

  • Spending time with my family is very important to me.

  • My family really matters to me.

All of these statements indicate that you place great importance on spending time with your family. Such a person can be called "family oriented" Someone who is family oriented is a person who puts family at the center and focuses on their values, strengths and relationships. Someone who is family oriented makes all decisions based on how it will affect his or her family, and the time spent with them.
これらの表現はすべてあなたが家族と時間を過ごすことが大切だということを示しています。 家族思いの人のことを"family oriented"と呼びます。 誰かが ”family oriented”だとしたら、その人はどんな選択をするときも家族のことを優先にして、物事を考えるでしょう。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I want to spend time with my family since I believe it is important.

  • It is important to me to spend time with my family.

  • Family time is important to me.

I want to spend time with my family since I believe it is important. It is important to me to spend time with my family. Family time is important to me. Any one of these will help you out and allow you to spend more time with your family without much bother from others. Personally, I prefer the last one. Have a good time with you family, and enjoy it. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
I want to spend time with my family since I believe it is important.(家族と時間を過ごしたい。これは自分にとって大切なこと) It is important to me to spend time with my family.(私にとって家族との時間は大切です) Family time is important to me.(私にとって家族との時間は大切です) このように言っておけば、家族との時間を優先しても周りから何も言われることはないと思います。個人的には、最後の例がいいなと思います。家族と楽しい時間を過ごしてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am very close with my family and I enjoy spending time with them as much as I can

  • It is important for me to spend a lot of time with my family while I still can

To be very close with your family means that you are always in each other's company. Maybe you live together or you live in the same city and you always visit each other. Sometimes people move and the family becomes less close. Maybe you have other commitments and you can't visit them as much. It happens a lot. If you say "It is important for me to spend a lot of time with my family while I still can" you are mentioning that maybe soon it won't be possible for you to spend a lot of time with them because you may be moving away or in a sadder case, maybe a member of your family is sick and maybe not live much longer.
"To be very close with your family" は「家族といつも一緒にいる」という意味です。これは「同じ家に住んでいる」ということかもしれません、あるいは「同じ町に住んでいてよく行き来している」ということもあるでしょう。引っ越しをして、家族と "less close"(距離ができる)になるということもありますね。あるいは、仕事が増えて会う機会が減る、これもよくあります。 "It is important for me to spend a lot of time with my family while I still can"(一緒にいられる間にできるだけ家族と時間を過ごしたい) これは、例えば「引っ越しをする」だとか、あるいは「家族の誰かが病気でもう長くは生きられない」など、もうすぐ家族と一緒に過ごせなくなるというニュアンスです。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Family time is very important to me

  • The time I spend with my family is the most valuable.

  • Family time will always come first

When expressing to someone that family time is very valuable to you, this shows you are a very thoughtful and committed person. When you explain to someone that family always come first, you are letting someone know that they are your main priority in life and that everything else will have to come second.
"Family time is very important to me"(私にとっては家族との時間はとても大切) または "The time I spend with my family is the most valuable"(私にとっては家族との時間が一番大事) は、家族を大切にしている優しい人が言うイメージです。 "Family time will always come first"(家族との時間を最優先している) は、「家族が最優先である/家族を第一に考えている」という意味です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I want to spend as much time as I can with my family as I value our time together very much.

  • Family time is a very important thing to me and I cherish it a lot.

if you would like to express to someone that you enjoy family time and that it is important to you, you can say this by saying something like "I want to spend as much time as I can with my family as I value our time together very much." or "Family time is a very important thing to me and I cherish it a lot.".
「家族と過ごす時間を大切にしている」は次のように言えます。 "I want to spend as much time as I can with my family as I value our time together very much." (家族との時間を大切にしているので、家族とできるだけ長く一緒に過ごしたいです) "Family time is a very important thing to me and I cherish it a lot." (家族との時間を大切にしています)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I want to spend quality time with my family.

  • Spending time with my family is of paramount importance

In the first response, you are implying that its not just spending time with your family, but it must also be quality time in which your family receives undivided attention in such a way as to strengthen the relationship. In the second response, by using the expression 'of paramount importance', you are stressing the point that spending time with your family is more important than anything else.
最初の回答では、家族とす過ごす時間はないが、その時間は、家族の関係を強めることに専念すための質の高い時間に違いないということを暗に言っています。 2つ目の回答では、「of paramount importance」という表現を使うことによって、家族と過ごすことは、他の何よりも重要だということを強調しています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I treasure time with my family

  • I consider time with my family is a gift

Perhaps our lives are all about balance - there is balance in the food we eat and the air we breathe. There is balance in ouir relationships and how we choose to spend our times. And there may come a time when we decide to quit the rat race and change our priorities: "I consider time with my family is a gift."
私たちの生活にはバランスが必要なのかもしれませんね。 食事をしたり健康に過ごしたりとバランスがあります。 私たちがどのように私たちの時間を過ごすかにはバランスがあります。 もしかしたら"rat race"(競争社会)をやめて優先順位を変える時が来るかもしれませんね。 "I consider time with my family is a gift." (家族との時間が大事な贈り物だと思っています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I love spending time with family.

  • I am very family-orientated.

  • Family comes first.

These statements tell people how important your family is to you. Family-orientated shows that your are drawn to your family, more so than friends and acquaintances. Family comes first is a motto that people use to show others and their family that they make family a priority in their life above other influences such as work, job, events, friends etc.
これらの例文では、あなたの家族があなたにとってどれだけ大切かを伝えています。Family-orientatedは、友人や知人よりも家族を大切にしていることを表しています。 Family comes firstは、仕事、イベント、友達などとの関わりよりも家族を優先させることを、他人や家族に示すモットーです。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • I value the time I spend with my family.

  • I want to spend time with my family. This is important to me.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I value the time I spend with my family. 私は家族と過ごす時間を大切にしています。 ・I want to spend time with my family. This is important to me. 私は家族と時間を過ごしたいです。これは私にとって大事なことです。 value ... は「大切にする」と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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