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2016/08/26 14:48
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  • The afternoon, around 2pm, is when I feel most drowsy

  • I always get sleepy in the afternoon, especially around 2pm.

The afternoon, around 2pm, is when I feel most drowsy- a good way of saying that you get very tired (drowsy) around 2pm I always get sleepy in the afternoon, especially around 2pm- a good way of saying that you get very tired (sleepy) around 2pm useful words to explain feeling really tired- sleepy, drowsy, exhausted, worn out, knackered
The afternoon, around 2pm, is when I feel most drowsy 午後2pmごろが自分は一番うとうとしますね。 2時頃に一番疲れるんだ、と言いたい場合は、 I always get sleepy in the afternoon, especially around 2pm 二時頃が特に眠くなるんだ。 つかれているときに使える形容詞としては以下がおすすめです - sleepy, drowsy, exhausted, worn out, knackered
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • I always feel sleepy at 2pm.

  • I can drop off anytime around 2pm.

  • I am most tired at 2pm.

To drop off = to fall asleep. A Where's John? B He went for a siesta. He usually drops off around 2pm and doesn't wake up until 5pm Siesta = an afternoon nap. Nap = a short sleep
drop off=眠りに落ちる。 A ジョンはどこですか? B 彼は昼寝に行ったよ。彼は午後2時頃に眠ってるんだ、そんで午後5時まで起きない Siesta=午後の昼寝。 Nap=短い睡眠
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The peak of my sleepiness comes at 2pm

  • I'm always sleepiest around 2 in the afternoon

The peak of my sleepiness comes at 2pm =眠気のピークは午後2時に来ます Sleepy =眠い Sleepiness =眠気 I'm always sleepiest around 2 in the afternoon =いつも昼の2時に一番眠くなる
  • I am always so tired at around 2pm in the afternoon

  • I am the most tired at 2pm in the afternoon

  • I can't keep my eyes open past 2pm in the afternoon

"Tired" is another word for sleepy so both would work well in the sentence. "most tired"- this means you are the sleepiest at this time or at the peak of your sleepiness/tiredness. "I can't keep my eyes open"- this is an expression used when you are so tired that you cant keep your eyes from closing and just wanting to fall asleep. I hope this helps :)
"“Tired""は眠たいという意味であるためこの文章ではどちらも有効です。 ""most tired""とはその時あなたの眠気や疲労感がピークにあることを意味します。 ""I can't keep my eyes open”は疲れすぎていて目を開けていられず眠ってしまいたい時に使われる表現です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I feel very sleepy around 2pm.

  • I am sleepiest around 2pm.

Remember when are referring to one thing we say sleepy. If it is 2 things we say sleepier and more than 2 we say sleepiest.
"一つの事を言っているときはsleepyという言い方を覚えておきましょう。 もし、2つだとsleepierそして2つ以上はsleepiestになります。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am always tired at around 2PM.

  • I am usually exhausted by 2PM.

  • I am always the most tired at 2PM everyday.

I am always tired at around 2PM. - A simple statement telling the listener that you get tired at near 2PM every day. I am usually exhausted by 2PM. - This sentence implies that you are tired at 2PM most of the time, but not always. I am always the most tired at 2PM everyday. - The 'most tired' part here implies that at this time you reach your highest level of sleepiness. Instead of 'tired' you can use words like 'drowsy' or 'somnolent'. I feel drowsy everyday at around 2PM.
I am always tired at around 2PM. -以下の文は、毎日2時頃が一番疲れていることを表現しています。 I am usually exhausted by 2PM. -以下の文は、ほとんど毎日2時頃が一番疲れていることを表現しています。 I am always the most tired at 2PM everyday. -ここでいう「most tired」の部分は、眠気が最高潮であることを意味します。 「tired」の代わりに「drowsy」や「somnolent」 という表現を使うこともできます。 I feel drowsy everyday at around 2PM. 毎日2時頃に眠くなります。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I'm always sleepy at 2 pm

  • At 2 pm I cannot keep my eyes open

I'm always sleepy at 2 pm. You are always tired at 2 pm. 'At 2 pm I cannot keep my eyes open' You are exhausted and just want to sleep at 2 pm.
I'm always sleepy at 2pm. 午後2時にいつも眠くなります。 At 2 pm I cannot keep my eyes open. 午後2時にとても疲れてとにかく眠りたくなります。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) I usually feel sleepy around 2pm

  • B) I always feel exhausted at around 2pm .

A) I usually feel sleepy around 2pm *Usually-under normal conditions; generally. Example-"he usually arrives home about one o'clock" *Feel-experience (an emotion or sensation). Example"I felt a sense of excitement" *Sleepy-needing or ready for sleep. Example"the wine had made her sleepy" B) I always feel exhausted at around 2pm . *Always-at all times; on all occasions. Example-"the sun always rises in the east" *Exhausted-.very tired. Example-"she returned home, exhausted from work" I hope this helps ! :-)
A) I usually feel sleepy around 2 pm. *usually - 通常の状況下で。一般的に。 例 He usually arrives home about one o'clock. (彼は通常1時頃に帰宅する。) *feel - 気持ちや感覚を感じる。 例 I felt a sense of excitement. (私はなんとなくワクワクした。) *sleepy - 眠りを欲したり、体が眠る準備ができていること。 例 The wine had made her sleepy. (彼女はワインを飲んだら眠くなった。) B) I always feel exhausted at around 2pm. *alaways - いつも、どんたときも 例 The sun always rises in the east. (太陽は常に東から昇る。) *exhausted - とても疲れている 例 She returned home, exhausted from work. (彼女は仕事でクタクタになって帰宅した。) 参考になれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Drowsy..

  • I stay up way too late and so I always get really drowsy around 2pm...

Drowsy is that heavy feeling of overwhelming sleepiness and it is so hard to "shake it off" It implies that one is ready to drop off to sleep!I "I stay up way too late and so I always get really drowsy around 2pm..."
Drowsyとは、ものすごい眠気が押し寄せ、振り払うことができない状態を指します。今にも寝落ちしそうな様子です。  "I stay up way too late and so I always get really drowsy around 2pm..." かなり夜更かしをするので、午後二時くらいになるとものすごい眠気に襲われます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • At 2pm I begin to get really sleepy.

  • Around 2pm I am shattered.

It is 2pm and you are shattered, well, you can use one of these sentences to help you out and get your message across. For example. You look tired. Yeah, at 2pm I begin to get really sleepy. Why 2pm? I don't know, but around 2pm I am shattered. I hope that helps. Have a great day, Will それは午後2時であり、あなたは粉砕されています、まあ、あなたはあなたを助けてあなたのメッセージを伝えるためにこれらの文章の1つを使うことができます。 例えば。 あなたが疲れて見える。 ええ、午後2時に本当に眠くなり始めます。 なぜ午後2時? わかりませんが、午後2時ごろに粉々になりました。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を、 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Absolutely shattered

  • totally exhausted

  • height of sleepiness

There are many ways to say that we feel tired (sleepy, fatigued, drowsy) but it is not always easy to convey just how tired we are. To be at the 'peak' or 'height' of something signifies being at the highest level - so your can say: - I am at the height of sleepiness at around 2pm or - The peak of my tiredness usually comes at about 2pm. When talking more informally we would use phrases such as: - By 2pm I am absolutely shattered. - I am usually totally exhausted by 2pm
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
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