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お昼に食べる食事のこと。お昼ご飯とも言います。 同僚とお昼が別々になってしまった時に、 次の日「今日のお昼何食べた?」と聞きたいです。
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2018/01/30 20:51
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  • lunch

こんにちは。 「昼食」は lunch です。日本語の「ランチ」と同じです。 【例】 What did you have for lunch today? 「今日の昼食は何食べた?」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Lunch

  • Brunch

  • Lunchtime

Lunch is the meal that is eaten during the day usually after 12 o clock midday and is between breakfast and dinner The time it is eaten is called lunchtime You could also have a brunch if you missed or did not eat breakfast brunch is a mix between breakfast (br) and lunch (unch) so put together spells brunch and is eaten at lunchtime
「lunch」は、日中のたいてい12時以降、朝食と夕食の間に食べる食事です。 「lunch」を食べる時間のことは「lunchtime」と言います。 もし朝食を食べ損なったり食べなかった場合は、「brunch」をとるかもしれません。「brunch」は朝食(br)と昼食(unch)のミックスで、スペルが合わさっています。「brunch」はランチタイムに食べます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for lunch today?

Lunch が適切な昼食の英語ですね。  What did you have for lunch today? とすると自然な伝え方ができますよ。
Kota Yanagidani 英語講師
  • Lunch...Luncheon (formal)

  • Some ladies do lunch...but the rich ladies... have a luncheon;-)

Lunch os the common term for this meat time in the middle of the day;-D Luncheon is a bit "special", perhaps a more formal occassion! "Some ladies do lunch...but the rich ladies... have a luncheon;-)"
"Lunch"(ランチ/昼食)とは一日の真ん中の時間の食事の事を言うよく使われる表現です;-D "Luncheon"(ランチョン/昼食会)とは、ちょっとだけ特別で、フォーマルな時かもしれませんね! 【例】 "Some ladies do lunch...but the rich ladies... have a luncheon;-)" (ランチに行く女性もいますが、お金もしの女性はランチョンに行きます)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

「昼食」はlunchと言うことができます。 例文 What did you have for lunch today? ランチは何を食べたの? 前置詞forといっしょに使うことを覚えておきましょう。朝食の場合はfor breakfast, 夕食の場合はfor dinnerとなります。 Nice questionでした!その調子で頑張っていきましょう! Fuji
Fuji スパルタ英語講師
  • lunch

  • midday meal

The two words you see provided above are common words we use to describe the meal we eat in the middle of the day. In the second word you will see the word midday. Midday means the middle of the day or noon. This is a word that we use in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記の2つの例は、お昼に食べる食事を表す一般的な言葉です。 2番目の例にあるmiddayは「お昼、正午」という意味です。この語は日常会話で使いますので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

  • lunchtime

  • I go to the cafe, by my work, for lunch almost everyday.

"Lunch" or "lunchtime" is the meal eaten at mid-day.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

  • Midday snack/meal

The meal people usually have after breakfast and before supper/dinner is called "lunch" or "midday meal/snack". You can these phrases in a sentence in the following ways: -I usually have lunch at one in the afternoon -I have my midday meal at 2pm
普通朝食と夕食の間に取る食事のことは「lunch」または「midday meal/snack」と言います。文中では以下のように使えます: I usually have lunch at one in the afternoon. (私はたいてい昼1時に昼食を取ります。) I have my midday meal at 2pm. (私は昼2時に昼食を取ります。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

「昼食」が英語で「lunch」と言います。 例文: 今日のお昼何食べた?? ー What did you eat for lunch today? もう昼食食べた? ー Have you had lunch already? 昼食は何かな。 ー I wonder what's for lunch. 昼食何にしますか。 ー What are you going to do for lunch? 私は昼食にパスタを食べた。 ー I ate pasta for lunch. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • lunch

  • lunchtime

  • brunch

Lunch is the meal eaten in the middle of the day before dinner but after breakfast. Lunch or lunchtime is the appropriate word to use no matter the region or culture among all English speaking countries. However, in some places because 12 pm is known as "noon" or "midday", some people say midday day meal or noontime meal. And brunch is popular in some places. Brunch is a meal eaten in the late morning. It is too late to be breakfast and too early to be lunchtime.
"lunch"は一日の真ん中、つまりdinner(夕食)の前、breakfast(朝食)の後の食事のことを指します。"lunch"または"lunchtime"は、地域や文化にかかわらず、英語圏のすべての国で使われます。 ただ、午後12時のことは"noon"や"midday"と言うので、場所によって"noontime meal"や"midday meal"と呼ぶところもあります。 また、"brunch"が一般的なところもあります。"brunch"とは午前の遅い時間に食べる食事をいいます。"breakfast"としては遅すぎて、"lunch"としては早すぎる食事です。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

「昼食」は英語でlunchと言います。 今日のお昼何食べた?- What did you have for lunch today. 例文:I don’t usually eat lunch- 普段、昼食を食べません。 例文:I usually have a light lunch.普段、昼食が軽いです。
  • Lunch

  • What time will you have lunch?

"Lunch" Is the term used when talking about a meal that is eaten around mid day, after breakfast, in the morning and before dinner at night time. ex. "What time will you have lunch?" and "What do you want to eat for lunch?".
"Lunch"とは、朝食の次、朝食と夕食の間に食べるご飯のことを指します。 例: "What time will you have lunch?" (何時に昼食を食べますか?) "What do you want to eat for lunch?" (昼食に何を食べたいですか?)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

こんにちは。 昼食は「lunch」といいます。 ・朝食:breakfast ・ブランチ:brunch ・昼食:lunch ・夕食:dinner 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • I always have lunch at 1pm

  • HAve you had a lunch break yet?

You'd like to know the name of the meal that you have in the middle of the day. In the UK it is known as 'lunch' or possible 'the midday meal'.
イギリスでは、昼食のことを'lunch' や 'the midday meal'と言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch.

Most commonly in the UK the meal you eat in the middle of the day is known as "Lunch" .
英国では昼食は一般的に "Lunch" と呼ばれます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch.

  • Brunch.

  • Afternoon meal.

The words above can be used to define a meal had after breakfast and before lunch. Brunch is a combination of BReakfast and lunCH. "Let's go have pancakes for lunch Susy!"
上記の語句は、朝食の後、昼食の前に取る食事を表します。 'Brunch' は 'BReakfast'(朝食)と 'lunCH'(昼食)を組み合わせたものです。 例: "Let's go have pancakes for lunch Susy!"(スージー、お昼にパンケーキを食べに行こう)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch [see note on Brunch]

  • The mid-day meal

By far the most common way to describe the meal between breakfast and dinner is "lunch." [Note "brunch" is a combination of breakfast and lunch and is often eaten around the same time as lunch, so while it is not after breakfast, since it replaces breakfast, it is nonetheless often eaten around noon.] A second way to describe the meal between breakfast and dinner is the "mid-day meal." While this is very uncommon, it is very clear and any English speaker would know that you are referring to lunch.
朝食と夕食の間の食事を表す最も一般的な言葉は間違いなく "lunch" です。 Note: "brunch" は朝食と昼食を組み合わせたもので、しばしば昼食と同じ時間に食べられます。これは朝食の代わりとなるものなので、朝食後ではありませんが、正午頃によく食べられるものではあります。 朝食と夕食の間の食事を表すもう一つの言い方は "mid-day meal" です。これはめったに使われませんが、非常に分かりやすいですから、昼食について言っていることは確実に伝わります。
Richard C DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

  • Midday meal

The meal in the middle of the day is called :- 1. Lunch :- Example: I would like to invite you to havve lunch with me tommorrow, are you available? 2. Midday meal :- Example: I like to have something heavy for my midday to keep me full until late afternoon.
お昼に食べる食事は、次のようにいいます。 1. Lunch(昼食) 例: I would like to invite you to have lunch with me tommorrow, are you available? (あした一緒に昼食を食べませんか、時間はありますか) 2. Midday meal(昼食) 例: I like to have something heavy for my midday to keep me full until late afternoon. (昼食には夕方までおなかがすかないように、おなかにたまるものを食べたいです)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

  • Lunch time.

If you want to know what the name of the meal in between breakfast and dinner is called, it is called 'lunch" or "lunch time". You can use it in a sentence by saying something like "Would you like to get lunch with me today?".
朝食と夕食の間の食事は "lunch"(昼食)または "lunch time"(昼食の時間)といいます。 文の中では次のように使えます。 "Would you like to get lunch with me today?"(今日昼食を一緒に食べませんか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

1) lunch 昼食は英語で lunch と言います。 日本語のランチと同じです。 他には、朝食は英語で breakfast です。 夕食は英語で dinner と言えます。 例: I had a sandwich for lunch today. I had a sandwich for lunch yesterday too. 私は今日、昼食にサンドイッチを食べました。私は昨日も昼食にサンドイッチを食べました。
  • lunch

Lunch is the meal eaten at mid-day. For example - I always have a lot of food for lunch because my mom cooks everything in the morning for me, although, sometimes I have to prepare myself.
Lunch' はお昼に取る食事を指します。 例えば: I always have a lot of food for lunch because my mom cooks everything in the morning for me, although, sometimes I have to prepare myself. (昼食はしっかり食べています。お母さんが毎朝作ってくれるので。時々自分で支度しないといけないときもありますが)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • What do I want to eat for lunch? I think I will eat ramen.

  • My girlfriend and I are eating lunch at the new restaurant.

  • I was so busy today I didn't have time to eat lunch.

昼食 lunch 昼食に何を食べたいですか? ラーメンを食べると思います。 What do I want to eat for lunch? I think I will eat ramen. 彼女と私は新しいレストランで昼食を食べています。 My girlfriend and I are eating lunch at the new restaurant. 今日はとても忙しかったので、昼食を食べる時間がありませんでした。 I was so busy today I didn't have time to eat lunch.
  • lunch

  • What did you have for lunch today?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「lunch」 =昼食 (例文)I had lunch an hour ago. (訳)1時間前に昼食食べました。 ・「What did you have for lunch today?」 =今日の昼食は何食べた? (例文)What did you have for lunch today?// I had a salad. (訳)今日の昼食は何食べた?//サラダです。 便利な単語: salad サラダ お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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