When the word "super" is translated into Japanese, it comes out as "chou", but it doesn't feel correct in this context.
「この文脈で、superの日本語訳が「超」なのは、ちょっと違う気がする」は英語で「When the word "super" is translated into Japanese, it comes out as "chou", but it doesn't feel correct in this context.」と言えます。
また、「誤解を生む可能性があると思う」と追加したいなら、最後に「I think it might lead a misunderstanding」と言えます。
最終的に「When the word "super" is translated into Japanese, it comes out as "chou", but it doesn't feel correct in this context. I think it might lead a misunderstanding.」になります。
"super" in Japanese is "chou" but it doesn't seem right to me."
- "super" in Japanese is "chou" but it doesn't seem right to me."
"super" in Japanese is "chou" 「"superの日本語訳が「超」」
"but it doesn't seem right to me" 「ちょっと違う気がする」
"In this context "super" in Japanese translates to "chou" but it doesn't seem right to me, I think people will misunderstand it."