After having been restored and brought from the Netherlands, I saw it displayed for the first time.
I saw the painting displayed in Japan for the first time after it was brought from a Dutch museum. That Vermeer painting was displayed for the first time after its restoration.
「オランダから来た修復後、初公開の絵画を見た」は英語で「After having been restored and brought from the Netherlands, I saw it displayed for the first time.」と言えます。
「オランダの美術館から、今回、日本で初めて公開した絵画を見ました。フェルメールのその絵は、修復して初めて公開されました。」は英語で「I saw the painting displayed in Japan for the first time after it was brought from a Dutch museum. That Vermeer painting was displayed for the first time after its restoration.」になります。