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2016/08/30 10:19
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  • It's clouded but doesn't seem like it's going to rain.

あまりに晴れすぎても暑いので、「雨が降らない程度の曇りがちょうどいいかもね。」は、 It's just too hot when it's sunny, so I think it's better when it's cloudy without any rain. という表現とすることができると思います。 確かに、今年も暑かったですね! とっても暑いことはBurning hot!ということができます。 また、German weatherというように、曇りや雨ばかりの天気のことを指すこともできます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • The sun is hiding behind the clouds.

  • I love overcast weather when its not too hot or rainy

"The sun is hiding behind the clouds." - this is a nice playful term. It means the sun is not visible because it's behind the clouds. Eg: Its so nice and cool when the sun is hiding behind the clouds. Overcast weather is when the sky is filled with clouds and the sun is not visible. Eg: "I love overcast weather when its not too hot or rainy" I hope this helps :)
“The sun is hiding behind the clouds”(太陽が雲に隠れている)これは便利な用語です。これは雲の後ろに隠れているため太陽が見えないという意味です。例:”its so nice and cool when the sun is hiding behind the clouds.”(太陽が雲の後ろに隠れているときはとても過ごしやすく涼しい) “Overcast weather”は空が雲で埋め尽くされ太陽が見えない時のことです。例:"I love overcast weather when its not too hot or rainy”(私は暑すぎたり雨がひどすぎない雨曇りが大好きです。) ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Overcast

  • Cloudy

"Today the weather was Overcast, so I didn't see much sun" "overcast" the most casual term when referring to a cloudy day. "Cloudy" can be used to describe "Overcast" or a 'Cloudy' day.
"Today the weather was Overcast, so I didn't see much sun"(今日はどんよりしていたので、あまり太陽は出ませんでした) "Overcast" は、曇りの日を表す最もカジュアルな言葉です。 "Cloudy" も曇りの日を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It's overcast and I love that!

  • 2. The clouds protect me from the heat of the sun.

  • 3. Yippee! Another cool and cloudy day!

1. Overcast = the sky is totally covered in cloud - no blue sky. 2.The clouds are acting as insulation from the sun's rays. 3.'Yippee!' is an expression of glee or exultation. A What's the weather like today? B It's totally overcast.
1.Overcast =完全に雲に覆われていて、青い空がないときに使います。 2.雲が太陽の光を断熱している、という表現です。 3..'Yippee!' 喜びや歓喜の表現です。 A 今日の天気はどうですか? B 完全に曇っているね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's overcast and it is the perfect weather for me!

overcast (adjective) - the sky is grey, and the sun is not visible
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It's partly cloudy with no rain. It is also not hot which I like.

>It's partly cloudy with no rain. It is also not hot which I like. *partly cloudy=little bits of clouds. *No rain=Not a sign of any rain. *Which I like=Meaning you like it when it is not hot. ....................***..............
It's partly cloudy with no rain. It is also not hot which I like. *partly cloudy=少し曇っている様子を意味します。 *No rain=雨が降らない様子を意味します。 *Which I like=暑くない方が好きだということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I like cloudy weather, as sunny weather is too hot for me.

  • I prefer cloud coverage to sunny weather, as that is too hot for me.

"I like cloudy weather, as sunny weather is too hot for me." Cloudy weather is just simply when there are a lot of clouds in the sky. "I prefer cloud coverage to sunny weather, as that is too hot for me." Cloud coverage means that there are clouds in the sky.
"I like cloudy weather, as sunny weather is too hot for me."(晴れの日は暑すぎるから、曇りが好きです) - "Cloudy weather" は空に雲がたくさんあるときを言います。 "I prefer cloud coverage to sunny weather, as that is too hot for me."(晴れの日は暑すぎるので曇りの方が好きです。) - "Cloud coverage" は空が曇っていることをいいます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I love when it's overcast as it's not too hot

  • It's not so hot as it's cloudy

When the sky is cloudy this is also said to be 'overcast' this also means it covers the sun so it doesn't make it so warm/hot If you like something very much then you can also say you 'love it'
空が曇っていることは、'cloudy' の他に、'overcast' でも表せます。これは、太陽が隠れることも表します。太陽が隠れると温度が下がりますね。 何かがすごく好きなことは、'love'(大好き)という言葉で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I love overcast weather!

Overcast weather refers to cloudy weather, with no blue showing in the sky (the sky is completely grey). "I love overcast weather!" "The weather is predicted to be overcast tomorrow."
Overcast weather' は、空に青い部分が全くない曇りをいいます(空が灰色で覆われている時)。 "I love overcast weather!"(曇りの天気は大好きです) "The weather is predicted to be overcast tomorrow."(明日の予報は曇りです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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