"No matter how hard you try, if get a curt response, you lose motivation."
- "No matter how hard you try, if get a curt response, you lose motivation."
"no matter how hard you try" 「どんなに頑張っても」
"if you get a curt response" 「素っ気ない返事されると」
"if ~" 「〜と」
"you get a ~ response" 「〜返事される」
"curt" 「素っ気ない」
"you lose motivation" 「やる気なくなる」
"you lose ~" 「〜なくなる」
"motivation" 「やる気」
No matter how hard you try, if all you get is a curt reply you lose all motivation.
- No matter how hard you try, if all you get is a curt reply you lose all motivation.
- No matter how much work you put, if all you get is curt acknowledgement, you will lose the willingness to do anything.