You sometimes see a dead raccoon dog hit by a car when you are in a rural area.
You sometimes see a dead raccoon dog hit by a car when you are in a rural area.
sometimes ときどき、時には、時として、たまに
raccoon dog タヌキ
hit by a car 車にはねられる・ひかれる
rural area 田舎、都会に対する地方
私が住む西海岸には、raccoon 『アライグマ』や、skunk 『スカンク』をよく見かけます。
Sometimes in the countryside, you find the corpses of tanuki that were run over by cars.
- On roads in the countryside, there are times where you can find the corpses of tanuki that were run over by cars.
田舎 - countryside
道路 - road
車に轢かれた - run over by a car
狸 - tanuki (raccoon dog でも良いですが、tanuki で通じる人はかなり多いので、どっちでも良いと思います。狸は欧米にないので、raccoon dog と言ってもわからない人もいます)
死体 - corpse; dead body
狸の死体 - tanuki corpse; corpse of tanuki; dead tanuki; tanuki's dead body; dead body of tanuki