There's nasty germs on it! - I would say this to a child. Nasty is another way of saying not clean, dirty, harmful. This is a kind an effective way of telling a child not to put it in their mouth however they make the decision not to do it, not the Adult telling the child.
That don't go there, its not very clean. - Simple and effective but not as There's nasty germs on it!
There's nasty germs on it! 私ならこれを子供に言うでしょう。
That don't go there, its not very clean.もシンプルで効果的な言い方ですが、There's nasty germs on it! ほどではないです。
Young children are very curious and they like to put things in their mouths, to feel the texture and to find out what something tastes like.
"Everything should not go into your mouth!"
This is telling your child, that he shouldn't put everything in his mouth.
"That is not for eating!"
It is a plastic toy, so you can't eat that.
"Everything should not go into your mouth!"
"That is not for eating!"
1. Those toys are not food! You'll get a sore mouth!
2. What do we do with food? We eat it! What do we do with toys? We don't eat them!
3. If the toy goes in your mouth, it will cry!
Well, you don't want to scare the poor child, but you also don't want a stomach bug or mouth infection on your hands.
Phrase 1 is designed to lay a basic foundation for the child of how to manage toys.
Phrase 2 is another set of expressive boundaries for the child to think about!
Phrase 3 appeals to the child's imagination, and to care for his toys, applying to them human feelings and emotions.
These toys are covered in bacteria; don’t put them in your mouth.
We don’t eat toys.
Toys are for playing, not eating.
These toys are covered in bacteria; don’t put them in your mouth.
– noun – harmful germs – the toys carry harmful germs on them.
Toys are covered – the surface has a layer of bacteria.
You may get ill if the bad bacteria enter your mouth.
We don’t eat toys
– A simple way to explain toys shouldn’t go in the mouth.
Toys are for playing, not eating
– Again, a simple way to explain we don’t put them in our mouth.
These toys are covered in bacteria; don’t put them in your mouth.
– 名詞 - 有害な細菌 - それらのおもちゃには黴菌がたくさん付いている。
Toys are covered
– おもちゃの表面はばい菌で覆われている。
We don’t eat toys
Toys are for playing, not eating.
– 同様におもちゃを口に入れてはいけないという別の言い方です。
"That is not for eating."
This means that it is not food so you should not eat it.
"Do not put that in your mouth it is not clean."
This means you are informing the child that the toys should not be eaten because they are full of germs/
"""That is not for eating.""
""Do not put that in your mouth it is not clean.""
Small children have a tendency to put almosy everything they get their hands on
into their mouths...We should try to make it clear that germs and sharp edges can be bad for our health!
"We play with our toys ...They are not for eating!"
"We play with our toys ...They are not for eating!"
Sometimes, you can react with a face and/or a raised voice to alarm the child not to put the toy in his/her mouth. You could explain that toys are not for putting in our mouths. Or try saying that we don't put dirty things in our mouths.
Be careful not to put the toys in your mouth because they are not clean.
Don't put these toys in your mouth - they aren't clean.
I don't think you should put these toys in your mouth because they are not clean.
The first two answers use the imperative mode, which is used for giving orders, commands, etc.
The phrase "be careful ...." is used when you think someone is going to do something wrong and you want to warn them about it.
you can either use the phrase "this is dirty, you shouldn't put it in your mouth" or "these toys have germs on it, they are not food" to tell your child that they are unclean and that it should not go in their mouth.
That isn't very clean.
That's not very big.
He's not very smart.
see you soon♪