世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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ayaka kaiさん
2016/09/01 18:00
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  • I found myself talking to the TV sometimes.

テレビに向かってひとりごとを言ってる時がある、は以下のように英訳できます。 1)I found myself talking to the TV sometimes. =たまにテレビに話しかけてる自分を見つける=テレビに向かってひとりごとを言ってる時がある Find oneself doing ~=~してるところを見つける=~する事がある この表現は、無意識でやってしまう行動に「はっ」と気づいた時などに使う表現。
  • Sometimes I talk to myself when I'm watching TV

Sometimes I talk to myself when I'm watching TV テレビに向かってひとりごとを言ってる 他の人のことであれば、以下のように変更してください: Sometimes he/she talks to him/herself when he's/she's watching TV. 是非使ってみてください!
  • There are times when I speak to myself while watching the box

  • Occasionally I have an inner discourse whilst viewing the television.

If you are speaking to yourself aloud, you are actually saying words. The box = the television. This is an informal word. A "What's on the box this evening?" B "There's a comedy show and a documentary later." Inner discourse If you are having an inner discourse you are speaking to yourself inside your head without actually saying anything. An inner discourse takes place much as would a discussion with a second person. One might think, "I need $27 for the paper boy. I have some paper currency in my wallet. Ten plus ten plus five... I have $25. Damn. Maybe I dropped coins in the sofa. Ah, here they are..." The ideal form of inner discourse would seem to be one that starts with statements about matters of fact and proceeds with logically until a solution is achieved.
大きな声で独り言を喋っているのなら、恐らく言葉を実際発しているんでしょね。 The box = テレビのカジュアルな言い方 A "What's on the box this evening?" 今日はテレビで何やってるの? B "There's a comedy show and a documentary later." コメディーと後でドキュメンタリーがある。 Inner discourseとは、頭の中の自分と実際に喋ることなく喋ること、普通に人と話すことと同じくらい人はやっているものです。 例えば "I need $27 for the paper boy. I have some paper currency in my wallet. Ten plus ten plus five... I have $25. Damn. Maybe I dropped coins in the sofa. Ah, here they are..." こういった独り問答の一番いい形は、まずは実際問題の提起からはじめて、解決策がわかるまで論理的に進めていくことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I sometimes talk to myself when watching TV.

  • I become so absorbed with what I am watching that I start talking to myself

"I sometimes talk to myself when watching TV. " You are explaining that there are occasions where you find yourself talking to yourself while watching TV. "I become so absorbed with what I am watching that I start talking to myself" When you watch an interesting program/show/the news and are interested in what is being broadcast you subconsciously talk to yourself . absorbed in = greatly interest in;preoccupied with. subconsciously = to do something without realizing it or planning it.
"I sometimes talk to myself when watching TV. " ①「時々、テレビを観ているときに独り言を言う。」 テレビを観ている時に、独り言を言うことがあると説明している。 "I become so absorbed with what I am watching that I start talking to myself" ②「テレビに夢中になるあまり、独り言を言い始めることがある。」 面白い番組をを観ると、その内容に興味津々になるあまり、無意識に独り言を言う。 Absorbed in=夢中になる。 Preoccupied with=何かに気を取られる。 Subconsciously=無意識に。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I talk to myself when I'm watching TV

  • When I'm watching TV sometimes I mutter to myself

When watching a tv show sometimes something happens and it surprises you so you might say something to yourself to agree/disagree with it To mutter is to speak in a very low voice
テレビを見ていて何か驚くようなことがあると、それについて共感したりしなかったりで独りでいろいろつぶやくことがあるかもしれません。 'To mutter' はとても低い声で話すことをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I find myself talking to myself while watching the TV.

"Sometimes I find myself talking to myself while watching the TV." When saying this, the phrase, "find myself" means that you notice and are aware that you talk to yourself. However, you may talk to yourself inside your head which is worth adding onto the phrase if this is true!
"Sometimes I find myself talking to myself while watching the TV."(時々、テレビを見ながら独り言を言っています) ここでは、"find myself" は「自分が独り言を言っているのに気が付く」という意味です。 ただ、もしかすると自分の頭の中で話しているだけかもしれませんよね。そういうことなら、それもフレーズに加えることができます!
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • I often yell at the T.V when I get into the show.

  • Sometimes I like to mutter to myself while watching T.V.

I often yell at the T.V when I get into the show. - This is something people often say when they are watching an intense game, and get caught up in what is happening on screen. Sometimes I like to mutter to myself while watching T.V. - this is another way of sharing how you talk to yourself when watching T.V.
I often yell at the T.V when I get into the show.(番組に入り込むと、よくテレビに向かって叫びます) - 白熱した試合に入り込むと、このようになる人が結構います。 Sometimes I like to mutter to myself while watching T.V.(時々テレビを見ながら独り言を言っています) - これはまた別の言い方です。「時々テレビを見ながら独り言を言っています」と言っています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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