世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/03 13:26
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  • ① Could I have the drink when the food comes please?

ドリンクは料理と同じときに出してほしい時は:「① Could I have the drink when the food comes please?」と言えます。 Please は忘れずに! ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Could you bring the drink with the food please?

Could you bring the drink with the food please? =飲み物を食べ物と一緒に持って来てもらえますか? Can you do me a favor and =ちょっとお願いしたいんですけど と頭に付けると更に丁寧でいいですね。 飲み物をトレイでテーブルまで持って行って、食べ物の乗ったトレイをしれーっと置いていく店員にはイラーっとしますよね。テーブルがトレイだらけ!(笑)
  • Can you please bring my drink and my food at the same time.

  • I would like to have my drink with the food.

▪Can you please bring my drink and my food at the same time. ▪I would like to have my drink with the food. Example 1 Waiter: Shall I bring the drinks 1st? You:Can you please bring my drink and my food at the same time. Example 2 Waiter: Shall I bring the drinks 1st? You:I would like to have my drink with the food.
▪Can you please bring my drink and my food at the same time. 飲み物と食べ物を同時に持ってきてもらえますか。 ▪I would like to have my drink with the food. 飲み物と一緒に食べ物が欲しいのですが。 例1 ウェイター: Shall I bring the drinks 1st? お飲み物を先にお持ちしましょうか? あなた:Can you please bring my drink and my food at the same time. 飲み物と食べ物を同時に持ってきてもらえますか。 例2 ウェイター: Shall I bring the drinks 1st? お飲み物を先にお持ちしましょうか? あなた:I would like to have my drink with the food. 飲み物と一緒に食べ物が欲しいのですが。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get my drink with my meal, please?

  • I would like my drink with my meal, thanks.

  • Can I have my drink with my meal, please?

Can I get my drink with my meal, please? I would like my drink with my meal, thanks. Can I have my drink with my meal, please? All will help you in this situation and the waiter or waitress will understand what you want without any problems. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Can I get my drink with my meal, please?(ドリンクと食べ物を一緒に出してもらえますか) I would like my drink with my meal, thanks.(ドリンクと食べ物を一緒に出してください) Can I have my drink with my meal, please?(ドリンクと食べ物を一緒に出してもらえますか) これらは全てこの状況で使うことができます。ウェイターあるいはウェイトレスにもきちんと意味が伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have my drink with the food?

  • Is it OK to have both drink and the food at the same time?

ドリンクも後で出してもらえますか、は以下のように英訳できます。 1)Can I have my drink with the food? =食べ物と一緒にドリンクをもらってもいいですか?=ドリンクも後で出してもらえますか? 2)Is it OK to have both drink and the food at the same time? =食べ物とドリンクを同時にもらってもいいですか?=ドリンクも後で出してもらえますか? Is it OK to do something = ~してもいいですか? Can I ~と同じように、何かをする許可をもらう時に使えるフレーズです。 I hope it helps :)
  • Can I have my drink with my food please.

If you say "can I have my drink with my food please", it means that you want your drink and your food together. You can you drink and food at the same time.
"Can I have my drink with my food please" 「食べ物と一緒に飲み物をいただけますか?」 と言えば、あなたが食事と飲み物を一緒に出して欲しがっているという意味になります。 これであなたは飲み物を飲みながら同時に食事もできます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Please would you bring the drink with the food?

  • 2. We would like the beverages when the food is served

You may either ask the question as in phrase one, or just state your preference as in phrase two. 'Please would you...?' This form is a great way to ask someone to do something for you in a very polite way: "Would you please hold the door for me?"
1つ目のフレーズのように質問をすることもできますし、2つ目のフレーズのように単純に希望を伝えることもできます。 'Please would you...?' これは非常に丁寧に誰かに依頼する方法です。 【例文】 "Would you please hold the door for me?"(私のためにドアを開けておいていただけますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please serve the drink together with the food.

  • Please serve the food together with the drink

  • Please serve the drink when you serve the food.

The statement 'please serve the drink together with the food' implies that both the food and the drink should be served at the same time and not at different times. So, when the waiter brings the food, the drink must also be there. The adverb 'together' means 'with' or 'close to'. The statement 'please serve the drink when you serve the food' implies that the drink should be served when the food is being served. So, you may say: Please serve the drink together with the food. or Please serve the food together with the drink. or Please serve the drink when you serve the food.
"Please serve the drink together with the food." は、食べ物と飲み物を(別々でなく)一緒に出して欲しい、という意味です。ウェイターが食べ物を持ってきたら、そこに飲み物もないといけません。副詞の "together" は「with(~とともに)」または「close to(~の近く)」という意味です。 "Please serve the drink when you serve the food." で、飲み物を食べ物と一緒に出して欲しい、と伝えられます。 以下のように言うことができます: "Please serve the drink together with the food." 「飲み物は食べ物と一緒に出してください」 または、 "Please serve the food together with the drink." 「食べ物は飲み物と一緒に出してください」 または、 "Please serve the drink when you serve the food." 「飲み物は食べ物と一緒に出してください」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "Could I have my drink at the same time as my food please?"

  • "I would really like to have my drink with my food"

If you were at a fast food restaurant and you wanted to ask them to serve your drink with your food, at the same time, you could ask/state either of the following: "Could I have my drink at the same time as my food please?" or "I would really like to have my drink with my food".
ファストフード店で食べ物とドリンクを一緒に出すようお願いしたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Could I have my drink at the same time as my food please?"(食べ物とドリンクを一緒に出してもらえますか) "I would really like to have my drink with my food"(食べ物とドリンクを一緒に出してもらいたいです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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