When a problem is resolved, a new problem becomes apparent. It never ends.
The problem already existed, however that problem didn't become apparent until a separate big problem had already been solved.
「1つの問題が解決すると新たな問題が表面化する。常に存在」は英語で「When a problem is resolved, a new problem becomes apparent. It never ends.」と言います。
また「元々問題は随所に存在していて、取り掛かっていた最大の難題が解決に向かったことで、くすぶっていた次に大きな問題が顕在化しただけ。」と説明したいなら、そうすると、「The problem already existed, however that problem didn't become apparent until a separate big problem had already been solved.」になります。
"When one problem is solved, another one rears its head. There are always problems"
"The problem was always there, you just don't notice it because of other bigger problems."
"When one problem is solved, another one rears its head. There are always problems"
"When one problem is solved" 「1つの問題が解決すると」
"another one rears its head" 「新たな問題が表面化する」
"rears its head" 「現れる」と言う意味の表現です。
"there are always problems" 「問題は常に存」
"The problem was always there, you just don't notice it because of other bigger problems."
"The problem was always there" 「問題が元々あった」
"you just don't notice it" 「気付かない」
"because of other bigger problems" 「他の大きい問題あるから」