実際にEri様の文をすべてcome up withに訳せます。ただ、「緊張で頭が真っ白になり、何も思いつかない」は特別でもっと自然な言い方がありますので、3番目の回答英文で提案しています。come up withを使うと、I'm nervous and I can't come up with anything.になります。
I came up with/figured out a solution for this difficult math problem.
I came up with/thought of a new idea at work.
I blanked out and couldn't remember a thing because I was so nervous.
ーI came up with/figured out a solution for this difficult math problem.
to come up with の他にも to figure out「見当がつく・考えつく」を使っても言えます。
ーI came up with/thought of a new idea at work.
to come up with でも to think of でもいです。
ーI blanked out and couldn't remember a thing because I was so nervous.
couldn't remember の他にも couldn't recall anything I had prepared「用意したこと何も思いつかなかった」のようにも言えます。