世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 10:05
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  • Can you clean the table, please?

テーブルが片付いていないということは、メニューやスプーン・フォーク類もまだテーブルに用意されていないことが多いですね。大抵は片付けている時に店員さんが気がついて持ってきてくれます。または、 I'll go get your silverware and a menu. 「今、メニューとナイフやフォーク類持ってきます」と言ってくれます。 *ナイフやスプーンフォーク類はsilverwareと言います。 ただ時々お店が大忙しで店員さんがすっかり忘れてしまっている時持ってきてもらいましょう。 Can I have a menu and silverware? Can you bring me a menu and silverware? 「メニューとナイフフォーク類を持ってきてもらえますか」
  • Could you clear the table, please?

  • Could you clean up the table, please?

Could you clear the table, please? テーブルのお皿を下げてくださいますか? →"clear"は下げるという意味。 Could you clean up the table, please? テーブルをきれいにしていただけますか? →"clean up"は汚れなども含めてきれいにする意味を含みます!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Please clean up the table.

テーブルを片付けてください。 Cutleryもスプーンやフォークを表す単語としてよく聞きます。発音はそのままカトラリーです。 関連 Can you wipe the table? テーブルを拭いてくれませんか? Can I have a share plate? 取り皿ひとつください。
  • I would like to use this table, please clear it.

  • Please clear this table since I would like to use it.

  • Will you please tidy up this table as I would like to use it.

It does happen that when you get to a restaurant, you find your favorite table is in a mess with used plates on it and none of the restaurant staff is attempting to clear it. All the waiters are just passing by the table and leaving it as untidy as it is. The phrasal verb 'tidy-up' means to clean up, put everything in its rightful places and make everything neat. Because this is your favorite table in this restaurant, and you wouldn't like to sit at another table, you will be in order to ask one of the restaurant staff and say: I would like to use this table, please clear it. or Please clear this table since I would like to use it. or Will you please tidy up this table as I would like to use it.
レストランに行って、座りたい席が汚れたお皿で散らかっていて、店員さんが片付けようとしていないことはときどきあります。 ウェイターはテーブルを通りすぎるだけで、汚れたテーブルをそのままにしているようです。 tidy-upという熟語は、片付ける、元の場所にきれいに戻すという意味します。 レストランのお気に入りのテーブルなので、他の席に座りたくはないでしょう。 レストランの店員さんにこう言うといいですよ。 I would like to use this table, please clear it. (このテーブルに座りたいので、片付けてください。) または Please clear this table since I would like to use it. (このテーブルを使いたいので片付けてください。) または Will you please tidy up this table as I would like to use it. (このテーブルを使いたいので片付けてもらえますか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can you clean up the table please?

既に出ている表現ですがclean up=片付けるなので適切な表現だと思います。
  • Could you please take away all the plates?

  • Could you clear the table please?

  • Could you clear away the plates please?

To clear away the plates = take the plates from the table. Clear the table = take everything from the table. A: Can I get you anything else sir? B: No thanks, we're all finished. Would you clear away the plates please? A: Of course sir.
To clear away the plates=テーブルからプレートを持ってさげてもらう。 Clear the table=テーブルから全てのプレートをさげてもらう A:何かお持ちしましょうか? B:結構。もう終わりました。皿をかたずけてくれますか? A:かしこまりました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please clear that table.

  • Can you clear the table, please?

Clear - means to remove unwanted items from something _______________________________ A: Can you clear the table, please? I would like to use it. B: Sure thing.
Clear - means to remove unwanted items from something Clear=きれいにする、片付ける。 _______________________________ A: Can you clear the table, please? I would like to use it. B: Sure thing. ≪例文≫ A. テーブルを片付けて下さい。テーブルを使いたいので。 B. もちろんですとも。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, would you mind cleaning this table for me before I sit down?

  • Sorry to bother you but the table I want to sit at is dirty, could you have someone clean it for me please?

"Excuse me, would you mind cleaning this table for me before I sit down?" In this sentence, we are being very polite. As always, it is very important to be polite to the workers at a restaurant because you may have to deal with them more than once. We don't want to get on their bad side because we will feel very uncomfortable and our experience will be a bad one. "Sorry to bother you but the table I want to sit at is dirty, could you have someone clean it for me please?" Again, this is a very polite way of addressing someone. If you say "Sorry to bother you" you are being polite straight away and it will be respected by the person you are addressing. By saying "could you have someone clean it" you are not being so presumptuous expecting the person who you are talking to clean it, but that he or she will ask someone else to do it
"Excuse me, would you mind cleaning this table for me before I sit down?"(すみません、先にテーブルを片付けてもらえますか) この文ではとても丁寧に伝えています。レストランのスタッフには丁寧に接しておいた方がいいです。その後もまた会う可能性があるからです。変な態度を取ってしまうと、その後気まずくなって食事が楽しめなくなります。 "Sorry to bother you but the table I want to sit at is dirty, could you have someone clean it for me please?"(お忙しいところすみません、私の座るテーブルが汚れているので片付けてもらえますか) これも丁寧な言い方です。"Sorry to bother you" で始めると、とても丁寧で、印象がいいと思います。 "Could you have someone clean it" では、相手が片付けるとは決めつけず、「片付けるよう誰かに頼んでほしい」と伝えています。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please clear this table for me please?

  • I'd like to use this table can someone please clean it please?

If you are in a restaurant and want to sit at a table that has yet to be cleaned, you can say something like this to a person working at the establishment. "Can you please clear this table for me please?" or "I'd like to use this table can someone please clean it please?" These are polite ways to ask someone to help you.
レストランに行って、まだ片付けていないテーブルがあって、そこに座りたかったら、店員に次のようにお願いできます。 "Can you please clear this table for me please?"(このテーブルを片付けていただけますか) "I'd like to use this table can someone please clean it please?"(このテーブルを使いたいです。どなたか片付けていただけますか) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Could you clear this table for me, please?

  • I would like to sit here, could you clear the plates, please?

  • Can I have the table over there, and could you clear the plates, please?

Could you clear this table for me, please? I would like to sit here, could you clear the plates, please? Can I have the table over there, and could you clear the plates, please? Personally, I would say the first one, however, you choose which one that picks your fancy. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Could you clear this table for me, please?(テーブルを片付けていただけますか) I would like to sit here, could you clear the plates, please?(ここに座りたいので、お皿を片付けてもらえますか) Can I have the table over there, and could you clear the plates, please?(あちらのテーブルに座ってもよろしいですか。お皿を片付けてもらいたいのですが) 私なら一つ目の例を使うと思いますが、いいなと思うものを一つ選んで使ってみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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