He has an enormous amount of passion for his work. It's not as though he is acting without any plans, but he has a tendency to move forward without thinking too much about it.
In order to make sure that things work out smoothly, one needs to obtain consensus from the people working with him.
"He has an enormous amount of passion for his work."=「彼には仕事に関する大きな情熱がある。」
"It's not as though he is acting without any plans,"=「彼は無計画で行動しているというわけではない」
"but he has a tendency to move forward without thinking too much about it."=「でも彼はあまり考えずに前に進んでしまう傾向がある。」
"In order to make sure that things work out smoothly,"=「物事が円滑に進むようにするためには、」
"one needs to obtain consensus from the people working with him."=「仕事を一緒にしている人間の根回しが必要である。」