It might be better to give a present that they'll be able to consume.
「何か[消費](できるプレゼントがいいだろう」は英語で「It might be better to give a present that they'll be able to consume.」と言います。
また、例をあげたいなら、「お菓子、飲み物、ハンドクリーム、シャンプーなど、消費できるもの」は英語で「For example, snacks, drinks, hand cream, shampoo, etc.」と言えます。
When you give someone a present, it's nice to give them something they can use up.
When you give someone a gift, it's good to give them a practical gift like food that they will consume.
ーWhen you give someone a present, it's nice to give them something they can use up.
something they can use up で「消費できるもの」と言えます。
ーWhen you give someone a gift, it's good to give them a practical gift like food that they will consume.
to consume は食べ物に対して「消費する」と言う時に使えます。