Christmas is for couples, so I don't really want to hang out with my buddies. That's kind of weird.
I feel akward hanging out with guy friends at Christmas because you always see couples everywhere you go.
ーChristmas is for couples, so I don't really want to hang out with my buddies. That's kind of weird.
to hang out with ... で「…と遊ぶ」
ーI feel awkward hanging out with guy friends at Christmas because you always see couples everywhere you go.
to feel awkward で「気まずく感じる」
Since there are so many couples out and about on Christmas, going out with only guys feels awkward.
「外は」=「outside (the home)」
「カップルだらけ」=「there are so many couples」
「男だけ」=「(going) with only guys」
「気まずい」=「feels awkward」
一般的に「外は」=「outside」ですが、このような状況では「out and about」はちょうどいい訳し方です。
「going out with only guys」の代わりに「being out with only boys」も言っても大丈夫です。「guys」は「boys」よりもっとカジュアルな言い方です。