If someone is good at one thing, you tend to assume that they are good at other things too.
- If someone is good at one thing, you tend to assume that they are good at other things too.
- When observing people around us, if someone is good at one thing, we may have a bias that they are equally competent at another thing.
If someone is good at one thing, you tend to assume they can do other things too.
If someone is good at one thing, you tend to assume they can do other things too.
"if ~" 「〜と」
"someone" 「誰か」
"is good at one thing" 「1つの事に秀でている」
"you tend to assume ~" 「〜と思い込む傾向がある」
"they" 「彼は」
"can do other things too" 「他の事もできる」