It started raining in the evening. I hope it doesn't start snowing at night.
「夕方から雨が降り始めた。夜に雪にならないといいんだけど」は英語で「It started raining in the evening. I hope it doesn't start snowing at night.」と言います。「雪になる」というのははっきり言っていませんが、「start snowing」の時点で「寒いから雪になる可能性はある」というニュアンスは入っています。
It started raining in the evening. I hope it doesn't start snowing at night, but lately it's starting to look like it will.
It began raining in the evening, but I just hope that sometime overnight it doesn't start snowing.
このシチュエーションで「夕方から[雨](が降り始めた。夜に雪にならないといいんだけど」と言いたいなら、英語で「It began raining in the evening, but I just hope that sometime overnight it doesn't start snowing.」と言えます。