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2016/02/29 17:18
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  • The rain is so cold as ice!

この雨氷のようにつめたいわ! Cold as ice; 氷のように冷たい 関連 I will catch cold. 風邪ひいちゃうよ。
  • The rain is very cold!

  • The rain is so cold.

  • The rains feels like ice.

This is a good way to express that the rain is very cold. You can say that the rain feels like ice to express how cold it is.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • The rain water is very cold.

  • I did not know the rain is so cold until it hit my skin.

▪The rain water is very cold. Very cold is almost ice cold. ▪I did not know the rain is so cold until it hit my skin. This is indicating that you were surprised to feel that the rain is so cold.
▪The rain water is very cold. (雨水はとてもつめたいです。) very cold はほぼ氷の様に冷たいです。 ▪I did not know the rain is so cold until it hit my skin. (雨が肌に触れるまで雨がこんなに冷たいとはわからなかった。) これは、雨が冷たいと感じたことに対する驚きを表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A few raindrops have hit my skin and they are cold.

  • I got rained on and the water from the rain was very cold.

A few raindrops have hit my skin and they are cold.- Rain drops are drops from the rain. This means that a few of them have hit your skin and you can feel the coldness. I got rained on and the water from the rain was very cold.- This means you actually got wet from the rain and you feel like the water was colder than usual.
A few raindrops have hit my skin and they are cold. (雨粒が私の肌に触って、ちょっと寒く感じます) "Rain drops"とは雨粒の事です。 これは、雨粒があなたの肌に落ちてきて、それが冷たく感じる、と言う意味です。 I got rained on and the water from the rain was very cold. (雨粒が落ちてきたけど、とっても冷たいです) これは、雨でぬれてしまって、その雨がとっても冷たく感じるという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The rain is cold to my skin

If something is hot or cold or tepid comes into contact with your skin, you may use the expression " the skin" or, " the touch." "When I stepped outside the building, the bitter wind was cold to my skin." A: "Would you test the bath water please? Is it still hot?" B: "No, in it's just warm to the touch." To the touch = when touched. "The ankle was swollen and painful to the touch."
何か熱いものや冷たいものがが肌にあたったのであれば、 ... to the skin や、 ... to the touch という表現を使用することができるかもしれません。 例文 When I stepped outside the building, the bitter wind was cold to my skin. 建物の外に出た時、冷たい風が肌に当たりました。 A: "Would you test the bath water please? Is it still hot?" お風呂の確認をしてくれませんか?熱いですか? B: "No, in it's just warm to the touch." いいえ。肌くらいの温かさです。 To the touch= 触った時という意味です。 The ankle was swollen and painful to the touch. くるぶしが腫れて、触ると痛みがありました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The rain is really cold!

  • The rain is cold to the touch.

  • The rain feels like ice on my skin!

There are a number of ways to say that the rain hitting your skin is cold. You can say: The rain is really cold! That simply means that the rain that is falling is cold as opposed to war. You can also say: The rain is cold to the touch. That means that when you touch the rain, it feels very cold. The food was cold to the touch. You can also say: The rain feels like ice on my skin! Ice is very cold to touch and so if the rain feels like ice on your skin then it is very cold. I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • This rain makes me feel so cold.

  • The raindrops on my skin feel so cold and refreshing

  • I didnt realise how cold the rain was until i felt it on my skin

We often test the temperature of water by using our skin as this is very sensitive to our body. When we use the term raindrops, this indicates that the rain is plural and many raindrops have landed on your skin so you can feel how cold it is. The raindrops on my skin feel so cold and refreshing
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • The raindrops are very cold.

  • I have felt the raindrops and they are as cold as ice.

The noun 'raindrop' means a single drop of rain. In the first sentence, the 'plural' form, 'raindrops' has been used because many 'raindrops' have dropped on you. You may say: The raindrops are very cold. Instead of being rather vague as in the first sentence, in the second sentence, you have said it precisely that you have felt the raindrops. The verb to 'feel' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to 'be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched'. Its past participle tense has been used in this case. So, you may say: I have felt the raindrops and they are as cold as ice.
'raindrop' という名詞は雨の一粒という意味です。最初の文で、多くの雨滴が降ったので、複数形の'raindrops'が使われています。 こう言うことができます。 例文 The raindrops are very cold. 雨滴がとても冷たかった。 最初の文のvague(曖昧な)の代わりに、2番めの文では、あなたは雨滴を感じたとはっきりと言っています。 ”feel"という動詞は意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”触ったり、触られたりして(人又は物に)気づく”という意味です。 この場合過去分詞形の”been”が使われています。 ですからこう言うことができます 例文 I have felt the raindrops and they are as cold as ice. 雨滴を感じたが、氷とおなじくらい冷たかった。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I feel cold when raindrops touch my skin.

  • Raindrops on my skin make me feel so cold.

  • It's really cold when I'm caught in the rain.

When I'm caught in a downpour, I feel very cold. I freeze when rain touches my skin.
例文 When I'm caught in a downpour, I feel very cold. 土砂降りに遭って、とても寒かった。 I freeze when rain touches my skin. 雨が肌に触れて、凍えそうだった。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • The rain touched my skin and it was very cold.

---> If two things are touching, or if one thing touches another, or if you touch two things, their surfaces come into contact with each other. ---> Something that is cold has a very low temperature or a lower temperature than is normal or acceptable. "The rain touched my skin and it was very cold."
2つの物が触れる又は1つのものがお互いに触れると、表面がお互いに接触します。 冷たいものは、通常のもの又はなんとか耐えられるものより温度が低いです。 例文 "The rain touched my skin and it was very cold." 雨が私の肌にあたり、とても寒かった。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Freezing rain!

  • In winter, freezing rain is the worst! It feels so cold when it hits you!

When the temperature drops in the Japanese winter...rain can be very uncomfortable when it hits the face and hands... We would call this freezing rain! Freezing rain made the journey home almost inbearable... The freezing rain really hurts when it hits my skin!
日本の冬は気温が下がると、雨が顔や手に当たると不快なものですよね。 これを"freezing rain!"(凍るような雨)と言います。 【例】 Freezing rain made the journey home almost inbearable... (帰宅途中の凍るような雨は耐えられない) The freezing rain really hurts when it hits my skin! (肌に当たると凍るような雨はとても痛い)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The rain is freezing and it's hurting my skin

It's not a very comfortable feeling to get rained on, especially if you don't have an umbrella. If the day is very cold then more than likely the rain is going to feel really cold against your body when it hits you. In this sentence, we are saying that the rain is so cold that it feels like it is cold like ice and the impact of the rain on your skin is uncomfortable and it can make your skin appear to be numb "Numb" means that there is no feeling or sensation. In this case, your skin appears to have no sensation because the icelike rain has hit it.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • When the rain hits my skin it is really cold.

  • The rain turns really cold when it hits my skin.

If it is raining and you want to explain that when the rain hits your skin it is very cold, you can say something like "When the rain hits my skin it is really cold." or "The rain turns really cold when it hits my skin." This is an easy way to explain this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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