How many months in advance should I tell you about my travel plans?
How much notice would you like me to give you before I go on vacation?
ーHow many months in advance should I tell you about my travel plans?
How many months in advance should I tell you about...? で「何ヶ月前に… について伝えればいい?」と聞くことができます。
ーHow much notice would you like me to give you before I go on vacation?
How much notice would you like me to give you before...? 「…のどのくらい前に知らせて欲しいですか?」という言い方もできます。
When exactly would it be ideal to notify you about going on my trip?
この場合、[旅行](予定について、いつぐらい報告するかどうか聞きたいなら、英語で、「When exactly would it be ideal to notify you about going on my trip?」という風に言えます。