I feel a little helpless, because I have no one I could talk to about this.
I feel lonely and unsupported, because there isn't anyone I can discuss this matter with.
① "I feel a little helpless,"=「少し心細いと感じます」
"because I have no one I could talk to about this."=「このことについて、話せる相手がいないので。」
② "I feel lonely and unsupported,"=「淋しくて、サポートが無いと感じます」
"because there isn't anyone I can discuss this matter with."=「この件に関して相談できる相手がいないので。」
I don't have anyone I can talk to about my problems, so I feel hopeless.
There's no one I can share my troubles with, so I feel really discouraged.
ーI don't have anyone I can talk to about my problems, so I feel hopeless.
「相談できる人」は someone I can talk to about my problems のようにいうと良いでしょう。
to feel hopeless で「心細く感じる」
ーThere's no one I can share my troubles with, so I feel really discouraged.
「相談できる人」は someone I can share my troubles with のようにも言えます。
to feel discouraged で「悲観する・落ち込む」