"My comb is stuck in my hair."
"my comb" 「私の櫛」
"is stuck in ~" 「〜にひっかかっている」
"my hair" 「髪の毛に」
"My comb gets stuck in my hair" 「櫛は髪にひっかかる」も言えます。
または "My hair gets stuck in my comb." 「髪が櫛にひっかかる」も言えます。
"I can't get my comb through my hair."
"I can't ~" 「〜出来ない」
"I can't get my comb through ~" 「〜に櫛が通らない」
"my hair" 「私の髪の毛」
My hair gets tangled up in the comb when I comb it.
ーMy hair gets caught in the comb when I comb it.
to get caught in the comb で「櫛にひっかかる」
ーMy hair gets tangled up in the comb when I comb it.
to get tangles up in the comb で「櫛に絡まる」