You two are always arguing with each other, but what exactly are you guys arguing about?
「ケンカ」は "fight" なのですが、「もめる」は "argue" と訳すのが良いと思います。
"You two are always arguing with each other,"=「あなたたちは、いつももめている、」
"but what exactly are you guys arguing about?"=「でも、何に関してあなたたちはもめているの?」
You two seem to fight a lot, but I can't understand what you're always quarrelling about.
You two are always getting at each other, but I don't know what on earth all the discord is about.
ーYou two seem to fight a lot, but I can't understand what you're always quarrelling about.
to fight a lot で「よく喧嘩をする」
to quarrel で「口論する・文句を言う」
ーYou two are always getting at each other, but I don't know what on earth all the discord is about.
to get at で「…を批判する・〜に文句を言う」
discord で「不和・不一致」