世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/26 10:05
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  • I am preoccupied with my crush.

My crush; 好きな相手 Be preoccupied with...;...に心を奪われる 意訳 好きな子のことばかり考えてしまう。
  • My crush is always running through my mind.

  • I can't stop thinking about my crush.

  • I am always daydreaming about my crush.

"My crush is always running through my mind." When someone is running through your mind it means you are always thinking about them. "I can't stop thinking about my crush." You mind is preoccupied with thoughts of your crush. "I am always daydreaming about my crush." To daydream about someone is to spend the day thinking about them and imagining possibilities.
"My crush is always running through my mind." When someone is running through your mind it means you are always thinking about them. 「好きな人が頭から離れない。」 Run through my mind=いつもその人のことを考えていること。 "I can't stop thinking about my crush." You mind is preoccupied with thoughts of your crush. 「好きな人のことを考えるが止められない。」 好きな人のことで頭がいっぱいなこと。 "I am always daydreaming about my crush." To daydream about someone is to spend the day thinking about them and imagining possibilities. 「好きな人のことをいつも空想している。」 Daydream=夢見る、妄想にふける。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am always thinking about my crush.

  • He is always on mind.

"He is always on mind." This means that you are always thinking of this person.
"He is always on mind." これはあなたが常にその人のことを考えているということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My crush is always on my mind.

  • (Name of crush) is always on my brain.

mind' and 'brain' refer to the same thing in this context. Both mean that you are always thinking about your crush. ___________________________________________________________________________________ You can replace 'my crush' with the name of your crush if you have told your friend about him/her. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Examples Josh is always on my mind. My crush is always on my mind. Luke is always on my brain. My crush is always on my brain
mind' and 'brain' は同じ意味です。 両方ともいつも好きな人について考えているということです。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ もし友達に好きな人のことに言っている場合'my crush' の部分を好きな人の名前に変えることもできます。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 例 Josh is always on my mind. ジョンが頭から離れないの。 My crush is always on my mind. 私の片思いの人が頭から離れない。 Luke is always on my brain. ルークのこといつも考えてる。 My crush is always on my brain 片思いの人のこといつも考えてる。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I can't help but think about my crush.

「can't help but 動詞」で「~せずにはおれない」という慣用句です。 can't help ~ingでも同じです。 crushは、自分が一方的に思いを寄せている相手、片想いの相手です。 お互いに気持ちが通じ合って両想いの場合は、使いません。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • I can't stop thinking about XXXX

  • I can't get XXXX out of my mind

  • I feel continually distracted, thinking about XXXX

These expressions sound like titles to pop songs. If you 'can't stop' something, it could be for reasons of addiction or necessity. "I can't stop drinking. I'm an alcoholic." "I can't stop working. We'd all die of hunger!" If you can't get someone out of your mind, it is a kind of obsession - in this case a love obsession. If you are 'continually distracted' it means that when you start to do something, your mind wonders to another disconnected theme. "When I am at work looking out of the window, I am continually distracted by girls in mini skirts walking by!"
流行りの曲のタイトルのような感じだね。 'can't stop'とというとき、依存性や、必要性などが理由としてあげられます。 "I can't stop drinking. I'm an alcoholic." 酒はやめられない、アル中なんだ。 "I can't stop working. We'd all die of hunger!" 仕事が終わらないよ、おなかすいて死にそう。 If you can't get someone out of your mind, it is a kind of obsession - in this case a love obsession. 自分の心から誰かを追い出せない、この表現は、愛の依存性を言う言い方ですね。 'continually distracted' 何かをはじめたときに、その人のことを考えてしまうことを表します。 "When I am at work looking out of the window, I am continually distracted by girls in mini skirts walking by!" 仕事していて窓を見ると、ミニスカートの女の子が通り過ぎるので気が散ってしまう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) He/she is always on my mind

  • B) Not a day goes that i don't think about (name )

A) He/she is always on my mind *Always -at all times; on all occasions. Example -"the sun always rises in the east" *on my mind -preoccupying someone. Example"new parents have many worries on their minds" B) Not a day goes that i don't think about (name ) - i think about john all day everyday. I hope this helps :-)
A) He/she is always on my mind *Always ー常に、どんな状況でも。 Example -"the sun always rises in the east" 太陽は常に東から登る。 *on my mind -占領する、夢中になる Example"new parents have many worries on their minds"新しい両親はたくさんの心配事でいっぱいだった。 B) Not a day goes that i don't think about (name ) -ジョンのことを毎日一日中考えているよ。 役立ちますように!^^
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I can't stop thinking about my crush

  • I think about my crush all day long

You can say it using any of two written examples. Basically, they both mean the same. The only difference is the first one has a negative connotation, whereas, the second one is more positive.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is constantly running through my mind.

  • He/she is always on my mind.

  • I cannot stop thinking about my crush.

We can say that someone is 'running through my mind' or 'always on my mind' to express that we are always thinking about them. We can say that this causes us 'not to think straight' or say 'I can't think straight because I am always thinking about him/her'. We can say that we are 'crazy about them'.
「(人)のことが頭から離れない」は 'someone is running through my mind' や 'somone is always on my mind' で表すことができます。 'think straight'(まともに考える)を使って、 'I can't think straight because I am always thinking about him/her'(彼/彼女が頭から離れず物事に集中できない) と伝えることもできます。 他に、'crazy about someone'(~に夢中である)という言い方もあります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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