Children need to repeat something several times in order to remember it.
- Children need to repeat something several times in order to remember it.
- At children's lessons, if they don't repeatedly practice pronunciation, they have a hard time remembering it.
If children don't do it over and over, it's hard to memorize it.
「何回も繰り返さないと」=「if (they) don't repeat it over and over」
「覚えられない」=「they can't memorize」
「they can't memorize」の代わりに「it's hard (for them) to memorize」の方が自然です。
後は「repeat it」ではなくて「do it」を使います。もちろん、「it」は代名詞として音練習を繰り返すことを指します。もっと詳しくに言ったら、「practice repeating the pronunciation」になります。
ちなみに、「言葉」=「the words」になります。
In a children's lesson, if the children don't practice repeating the pronunciation over and over, it's hard for them to memorize the words.