It doesn't matter how close I am to my friends, I still don't like to be with anyone for a long period of time.
Even if I'm best friends with someone, I get tired of being with them if we spend too much time together.
ーIt doesn't matter how close I am to my friends, I still don't like to be with anyone for a long period of time.
don't like to be with anyone for a long period of time で「ずっと一緒にいるのが苦手だ」と表現できます。
ーEven if I'm best friends with someone, I get tired of being with them if we spend too much time together.
I get tired of being with them if we spend too much time together.「長時間一緒に時間を過ごすとしんどくなる」
Even with a really close friend, I find it difficult to be together all the time because I get mentally exhausted.
この場合の『[しんどい](』を精神的な負担を感じ、その負担が長く続くのはいやだというような解釈をして、get mentally exhausted 『精神的に疲弊・消耗する』というニュアンスで表現してみました。