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2016/09/28 10:54
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  • I can get more work done when I'm feeling good.

「仕事がはかどる」は can get more work done としました。 直訳すると、より多くの仕事を終わらせることができる、となります。 I can work best という言い方もできます。 気分が良いと⇒気分が良い時、というようにwhen節でつないでいます。 気分が良い時はより仕事を進めることができます、という意味ですね。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • When my mind is refreshed, I am more productive.

  • I do my best work when I don't have a lot of anxiety.

  • The better I feel, the better I work.

To have a "refreshed mind" means that one is experiencing a renewal of energy and can think more clearly. This means that the mind is not heavy with troubles, and it gives the person the ability to be more productive. Being more productive means getting more work done. "My best work" refers to doing work with the best results possible. Anxiety is the feeling of stress or being mentally overwhelmed. With the absence of anxiety, it would be easier to work more. Using comparisons in a sentence, for example, comparing how one feels with how one works, is a good way to express how the one directly impacts the other. Therefore, this would explain that feeling good would result in more work being accomplished.
"my mind is refreshed" は元気が回復して頭が働く状態をいいます。悩み事のない生産性の高い状態です。"Being more productive" は「生産性が上がる」「より多くの仕事ができる」という意味です。 "My best work" は「最高の仕事」という意味です。"Anxiety" はストレスを抱えた状態、精神的に参った状態をいいます。"Anxiety" がなければ、より仕事に集中できます。 あることが別のことの影響を直接受けることは、比較級を使うとうまく表せます。ここでは、気分がいいとより多くの仕事ができると伝えています。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • When I feel good, I work harder.

  • I get a lot more done when I'm in a good mood.

  • When I'm feeling good, I get a lot more done.

Your mood is how you are feeling at any given time. To "get things done" can mean many different things. It can easily mean work at your job, chores around the house or errands like grocery shopping.
"mood" は、その時の気分を言います。 "get things done"(物事をやり終える)は例えば職場での仕事・家事・お使いなど、いろいろなものを指します。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I'm more efficient when I feel well.

加筆です。 他には以下のような言い回しもあります: I'm more efficient when I feel well. Efficient→効率がいい ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • a) When i'm feeling good i get so much more work done!

  • b) When i am well rested i get more work done.

  • c) I work at my best when i am relaxed and refreshed

a) When I'm feeling good I get so much more work done! when you are "feeling good" you are implying that you are doing great both mentally and physically - because if you are feeling good mentally you automatically feel good physically b) When I am well rested I get more work done. When you are "well rested" you had a good nights rest and you are wide awake ,full of energy and ready for whatever the day may bring! c) I work at my best when I am relaxed and refreshed When you feel "relaxed" you are free from tension and anxiety and when you are feeling "refreshed " you feel like you can give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate. I hope this helps!
a) When I'm feeling good I get so much more work done!(気分がいいと仕事がはかどります) "feeling good" は精神的にも肉体的にも調子がいいというニュアンスです、肉体的に調子がよくなければ精神的に調子がいいということにはなりません。 b) When I am well rested I get more work done.(休みをしっかり取ると仕事がはかどります) "well rested" は、夜しっかりと体を休めて、やる気がみなぎった状態をいいます。 c) I work at my best when I am relaxed and refreshed(気持ちをリフレッシュしたり、肩の力が抜けていると、仕事がはかどります) "relaxed" は不安や緊張のない状態をいいます。 "refreshed" は元気が回復した状態をいいます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I am motivated.

  • I am positive.

The simplest translation is that you feel "Motivated" today. "Motivated" - provide (someone) with a motive for doing something. "he was primarily motivated by the desire for profit" -stimulate (someone's) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something. "I'm going to motivate kids to study civics" Alternatively you could say, I am "Positive" today. "Positive" constructive, optimistic, or confident. "there needs to be a positive approach to your work day"
最もシンプルな訳は "I feel Motivated today"(今日はやる気がある)です。 "Motivated" -「~をする動機を与える」 "he was primarily motivated by the desire for profit" (利益を上げることが彼の第一の動機だった) -「やる気を起こさせる」 "I'm going to motivate kids to study civics" (子どもの公民への学習意欲を高めたい) 他に "I am Positive today."(今日は自信がある)と言うこともできます。 "Positive" 「前向きな」「楽天的な」「自信のある」 "there needs to be a positive approach to your workday" (仕事には前向きに取り組まなければならない)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • I can do a lot more when I am in the right frame of mind.

Right frame of mind' refers to a good mental state, one which is ready for productivity.
Right frame of mind' は「良い精神状態」を指します。仕事に集中できる状態です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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