I find it really annoying when dog owners take their dog outside to poop but end up not cleaning it.
このシチュエーションで「犬にウンチさせてウンチを片付けない飼い主[ムカつく](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/135262/)」と言いたいなら、英語で「I find it really annoying when dog owners take their dog outside to poop but end up not cleaning it.」という風に言えます
I get really put off when I see someone let their dog go poop but they don't clean it up.
I hate it when people watch their dog go poop but don't pick it up.
ーI get really put off when I see someone let their dog go poop but they don't clean it up.
to get really put off で「すごいむかつく」と言えます。
to clean up で「片付ける」
ーI hate it when people watch their dog go poop but don't pick it up.
to pick up で「拾う」