come to think of it, the smartphones are quite dirty.
「考えてみるとスマホは汚れているよね」はそのまま英語で「come to think of it, the smartphones are quite dirty.」と言います。
また、全体的に「スマホを食卓に置いて食事したりしているけど、考えてみるとこれってかなり[不衛生](だよね」と言いたいなら、そうすると「When I placed my smartphone on the dining table and was a having a meal, I came to realize that smartphones are really unhygienic.」と言えます。
When I stop to think about it, smartphones are actually quite dirty.
If you think about it, smartphones are not exactly what you would call clean.
ーWhen I stop to think about it, smartphones are actually quite dirty.
ーIf you think about it, smartphones are not exactly what you would call clean.