That game has come out with a lot of different series over the last 20 years.
ーThat game has come out with a lot of different series over the last 20 years.
to come out「世に出る・発売される」
a lot of different series「いろいろなシリーズ」
over the last 20 years「過去20年にわたり」
Many different series have been released since 20 years ago.
・「Many different series have been released since 20 years ago.」
<例文> This is a popular game that I used to play since I was a kid. Many different series have been released since 20 years ago.
<訳> これは私が子供の頃から遊んでいる有名なゲームです。そのゲームは20年前からたくさんのシリーズが出ている。