一目見て(または一口食べて)「これぞまさしく(これこそ・まさに)The日本料理という感じだ」と、その物事を象徴・代表するような(典型的なイメージ通りな・偽物ではなく本物クオリティな・期待通りドンピシャな)ものだと言いたい。This is exactly what Japanese cuisine is all about!ですか?This is such a?is like?他の言い方?何が適切?
This is exactly what Japanese cuisine is all about!
This is a really good example of what Japanese food tastes like.
Fumiさんの英文、This is exactly what Japanese cuisine is all about! で完璧ですよ!
ーThis is a really good example of what Japanese food tastes like.