What's the average amount of money you spend on each meal when you eat out for lunch and supper?
What's the average cost of your meals when you eat lunch and supper at a restaurant?
ーWhat's the average amount of money you spend on each meal when you eat out for lunch and supper?
What's the average amount of money ...? を使って平均の値段を聞くことができます。
ーWhat's the average cost of your meals when you eat lunch and supper at a restaurant?
What's the average cost of ...? を使って平均の値段を聞くこともできます。
The average cost for one meal when dining out for both lunch and dinner.
What's the average cost for one meal when dining out for both lunch and dinner?
・「The average cost for one meal when dining out for both lunch and dinner.」
・「What's the average cost for one meal when dining out for both lunch and dinner?」
(意味) 外食時の昼食と夕食それぞれの1回の平均の食費はいくらですか?
<例文>What's the average cost for one meal when dining out for both lunch and dinner?// I have a lot of allergies so I don't really eat out.
<訳> 外食時の昼食と夕食それぞれの1回の平均の食費はいくらですか?//私いろんなアレルギーがあるので普段は外食しません。