Hormonal imbalance may make you might feel more emotional, cry a lot, and get easily angry.
・「Hormonal imbalance may make you might feel more emotional, cry a lot, and get easily angry.」
<例文>Hormonal imbalance may make you might feel more emotional, cry a lot, and get easily angry. A lot of pregnant women experience this.
<訳>ホルモンバランスが崩れて泣きっぽくなったり怒りっぽくなる。 妊娠している女性などが経験することです。
You better watch what you say to her. Her hormones will be out of balance and she'll cry more often and she might get angry more easily too.
ーYou better watch what you say to her. Her hormones will be out of balance and she'll cry more often and she might get angry more easily too.
to be out of balance で「バランスが崩れる」