世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/10/06 00:15
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  • One minute, I'll be right back.

  • One minute, I gotta go to the bathroom.

Hi Ritsuko!


※ トイレ ※
Where is the toilet?
The toilet is upstairs.



One minute,

One minute, I have a phone call.
One minute, I want to listen to this.

one minute の他には one second や one moment のような言い方をすることもできます。

友達との会話では、そんなに丁寧に話す必要はありません。トイレに行くことも、直接言っても大丈夫です。アメリカ人だったら、「I gotta go to the bathroom.」と言います。


One minute, I gotta go to the bathroom

アメリカでは、知らない人としか丁寧に話しません。あなたが知らない人と話している時に「I gotta go to the bathroom.」と言うと、相手は「え、そんな親しくないのに…」と少し変に感じるかもしれません。


One minute, I’ll be right back



  • ① I'll be right back

もちろん、「I'm going to the bathroom」が丁寧ですが、行き場所を言わない方が品が良いです:

「① I'll be right back」(すぐもどってきます)。これを推奨します。


Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I'll be back in a moment.

  • I'll be right back.

  • I'm going to run to the restroom really quick.

It depends on how much information you want to give, really. There's nothing wrong at all with saying, "I need to run to the restroom."

If you're embarrassed or don't want to say why you need to excuse yourself for a bit, you can say:

  • I'll be back in a moment.
  • I'll be right back.
  • I need to step out for a minute.
  • Please excuse me for a moment.

どれぐらい情報をあげたいかによります。”I need to run to the restroom"で正しいと思います。

  • I'll be back in a moment.
  • I'll be right back.
  • I need to step out for a minute.
  • Please excuse me for a moment.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Could you please excuse me. I want to use the bathroom.

  • I will be right back.

1)Could you please excuse me. I want to use the bathroom.
- This is a polite way to tell them that you want to go the bathroom and you will be back soon.

2)I will be right back.
-Depending on the relationship with the person you may be shy to tell them where you are going.
They should be able to get it that you are going to the bathroom.

1)Could you please excuse me. I want to use the bathroom.

2)I will be right back.

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me for a minute please, I just need to use the restroom.

You can ask your date to excuse you for a minute to let him/her know that you will be back
shortly, you can then tell them that you need to use the restroom.

However, if you do not want to be so direct, you can just say:-

"Excuse me for a minute please, I'll be right back."
"Wait for a minute, I'll be back soon."



"Excuse me for a minute please, I'll be right back."

"Wait for a minute, I'll be back soon."

Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, I'm going to the little boy's room

  • Excuse me, I'm going to the little girl's room

  • Excuse me one moment

Well, if you must describe where you are going, you could say, I need to go to the bathroom, restroom, toilet, WC, gents, ladies.

In the UK, it is generally considered 'too much information,' if you give any details whatsoever.
So it's not necessary to explain where you are going - or what you will be doing when you get there! Informally, amongst friends, we may also say: "I need to take a pee!" or, "I need to have a slash!"but this is only amongst friends! "Little boys' room" or "little girls' room" are phrases considered to be humorous.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the little boy's room."
"Yes I need to take a pee too!"

I need to go to the bathroom, restroom, toilet, WC, gents, ladies.

UKでは、Too much informationと言って、詳細に言いすぎるのもあまりよくないので、そこまで言う必要もないです。
ただ単に、"I need to take a pee!" や, "I need to have a slash!"など友達同士ではこう言えます。
"Little boys' room" または "little girls' room" などはユーモアな表現ですね。

"Excuse me, I'm going to the little boy's room."
"Yes I need to take a pee too!"

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please excuse me, I need to use the facilities.

  • Please excuse me, I need to freshen up.

  • Please excuse me,

In a situation like a date, people usually try to avoid using the word 'toilet' or 'bathroom' as they might be trying to be overly polite.
'I need to use the facilities.'
This refers to the bathroom without saying the word bathroom and it politely excuses you from the table or situation.

'I need to freshen up.'
This expression is usually used by women. It works the same way as they the first expression. This refers to going to the bathroom without saying the word bathroom/toilet and it politely excuses you from the table or situation.

I hope this helps :)

デートなどのシチュエーションの場合は、丁寧に言おうとして一般的に 'toilet'や 'bathroom' の単語を避ける場合が多いです。

'I need to use the facilities.'
これは ”bathroom”と言う単語を使わずに席をたつ事ができる表現です。

'I need to freshen up.'
この表現は一般的に女性に使われる事が多いです。最初の表現と同じ様に使えます。bathroom/toilet と言う単語を使わずに丁寧に席から立ったり、その場を離れる事が出来ます。

お役に立てる事を願っています。 :)

Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

  • I'm just going to go to the restroom.

Hello Ritsuko-san,

Here is a detailed explanation of both phrases;

"Excuse me" is a polite way to start a sentence if you are going to request something, or make an announcement to the people you are with.

"I need" is an expression of desire or requirement.

"to use" is a verbal phrase which indicates what you are going to do.

"The bathroom" tells them where you are going.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom" is a more formal way of letting people know where you are going.

"I'm just going to" is a verbal phrase which again implies what you are doing.

"go to the restroom" tells them where you are going.

"restroom" is another term for bathroom.

"I'm just going to the restroom" is a more colloquial (informal) sentence.

I hope this helps you Ritsuko-san.


"Excuse me" は、なにかをお願いしたり、アナウンスをしたりする時に会話を始めるときの丁寧な言い方です。

"I need" は何かを欲したり必要としたりするときの表現です。

"to use"は、なにをしようとするのかを表すto不定詞です。

"the bathroom" は、あなたが行くところです。

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom."はあなたがどこに行きたいのかを歌える丁寧な言い方です。

"I'm just going to"はどこへ行くかを意味するフレーズです。

"go to the restroom"はあなたの行く場所を意味します。


"I'm just going to the restroom"はより口語的な(カジュアルな)言い方です。


Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me while I go powder my nose (female)

  • Excuse me, I'll be back in a moment

If you are speaking to someone that you don't know very well, then you may want to avoid mentioning that you are going to the bathroom.

Women in the West famously say they are going to 'powder their nose' when they go to the bathroom. To powder your nose is to apply powder makeup to it. Even if women don't intend to put on any makeup, they may still use this common phrase.


西洋の女性は、”powder their nose”(直訳は化粧直しをする)という言葉を「トイレに行く」という代わりに使います。実際に化粧直しをするつもりがなくても使われる一般的なフレーズです。

Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me...I must freshen up!

  • I'll be back shortly... I must just pop to the restroom and freshen up!

No one wants to bring up the dreaded "toilet " / bathroom word on a date;-))
So we may want to "soften the language" a little and use "a sweet euphemism"
like" freshen up..." or visit the restroom/washroom;-D
"I'll be back shortly... I must just pop to the restroom and freshen up!"

誰もデート中に恐ろしい"toilet "や "bathroom"なんて言葉を使いたくないですよね;-))
"freshen up..."
"visit the restroom/washroom";-D
"I'll be back shortly... I must just pop to the restroom and freshen up!"

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Please excuse me.

  • I'm just going to the bathroom.

The most polite way would be to say "Please excuse me for a minute" .

最も丁寧な言い方は "Please excuse me for a minute"(ちょっと失礼します)でしょう。

Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I need to go to the little girls/boys room

  • I'll be right back

"I need to go to the little girls/boys room"
'Little girls/boys room' is a reference that was very widely used a long time ago, as it is very polite, Little girls/boys room is referenced as the toilet or bathroom.
"I'll be right back" Is more widely used now as it is quick and polite, also doesn't give away too much information about going to the bathroom.

"I need to go to the little girls/boys room"(トイレに行ってきます)

'Little girls/boys room' はトイレ・お手洗いの丁寧な言い方です。昔、非常によく使われていた言葉です。

"I'll be right back"(すぐに戻ります)は、短くて丁寧でより一般的な言い方です。トイレに行くことを遠回しに伝えています。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me for a second.

  • I'm going to go to the restroom.


Excuse me for a second.

I'm going to go to the restroom.

excuse me はここでは「失礼します」というような意味の英語表現です。


Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I need to use the bathroom.

  • I'm gonna go to the bathroom.


・「I need to use the bathroom.」
「I'm gonna go to the bathroom.」

(例文)I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back.

(例文)I'm gonna go to the bathroom. //Ok.

bathroom トイレ


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