That's the first time I've heard this song in a long time.
ーI haven't heard this song for a long time.
ーThat's the first time I've heard this song in a long time.
ーI mostly like listening to Hip Hop, but it's nice to listen to a little R&B once in a while.
「たいていHip Hopを聴くのが好きだが、たまにはR&Bを聴くのもいいね」
I typically listen to Hip Hop, but I also enjoy R&B from time to time.
・「I haven't heard this song in a long time. I typically listen to Hip Hop, but I also enjoy R&B from time to time.」
(意味) 久しぶりにこの曲を聴きました。普段はヒップホップを聞きますが、たまにはR&Bも聞きます。
<例文>I haven't heard this song in a long time. I typically listen to Hip Hop, but I also enjoy R&B from time to time. I should listen to R&B more.
ヒップホップを聞きますが、たまにはR&Bも聞きます。 もっとR&Bを聞こうと思います。