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2016/10/11 19:38
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  • soggy

  • stale

  • limp

When the noodles are fresh they feel rich, vigorous, succulent. But the opposite of this, when they become too wet and soft, is mainly referred to as soggy. The same expression is commonly used when we leave the cereal and milk sitting out for too long " my cereal got soggy " . "Stale" is also the dull state of food, commonly used with potato chips when you leave the bag open for too long. The chips become stale but this could also be used with noodles. "limp" noodles is another form to express that the noodles are so wet that they slip off your chopsticks, it's really hard to hold them because "they went limp" (this is a more casual expression)
麵が伸びる、つまり湯がけ時間が長すぎてパスタやヌードルが過度に柔らかくなりすぎる状態を表現する英語には "soggy"、"stale"、および "limp" があります。 "soggy" は物が湿ってやわらかすぎる状態を、特に食べ物が水気を吸って柔らかくなった状態を指します。例: "The cereal got soggy because I left it sitting in milk for too long." "stale" は食物が新鮮さを失い硬くなった状態、または風味が落ちた状態を表します。普通はパンケーキやクラッカーが乾燥して硬くなった状態を説明するのに使われますが、ヌードルにも使えます。 "limp" は物の形状が弱く、支えられない状態を指す言葉で、柔らかくなりすぎたヌードルの状態を表現するのに適しています。 例:"The noodles were so limp that they kept slipping off my chopsticks."
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Won't the noodles get soggy?

  • Won't the noodles go soft?

  • Won't the noodles expand?

こんにちは。 面が伸びると美味しくないですね。 この場合には "Won't ... ?" という質問の形を使えば一番自然に聞こえると思います。 go soft 又は get soft go soggy 又は get soggy どれも大丈夫です。 "expand" は「膨れる」を意味します。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Don't the noodles get soggy?

  • Doesn't the noodle get too soft?

Don't the noodles get soggy? Get〜で、〜の状態になる、という意味です。 soggyは水浸しでやわらかく、ふやけた状態をいう形容詞 なのでこれを使いました。 Doesn't the noodle get too soft? Too softで、柔らかくなりすぎる、という ややネガティヴな表現にすることで意訳してみました。 Softのみでは意味が広すぎて、ニュアンスが 伝わりません。このように簡単ない英語を組み合わせいう工夫も 大事ですね。
  • The noodles have expanded and gone soft in the soup.

  • The noodles have gone soggy. They've been in the soup too long.

  • The noodles are inedible as they've been in the soup too long.

'Soggy' is an appropriate word for noodles that are too soft. With rice we sometimes say 'starchy' if the rice is overcooked
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The noodles stayed in the soup too long and now they are soggy.

  • The noodles have gotten mushy.

We can use the word "soggy" to express how the noodles would get if they stay in the soup too long. The word "soggy" means mushy, pappy, squishy etc.
"この""soggy""という表現を使ってスープの中に面が長く時間浸っていて伸びてしまったという事が出来ます。 ""soggy""とは、mushy (煮崩れてドロドロ)、pappy (パンがゆなどのドロドロ)、squishy(ぐしゃぐしゃ)などという意味です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • soggy

  • too soft

Soggy is an adjective that refers to things that can absorb water, especially food. The food becomes unpleasantly wet and soft. For example: "I hate it when cereal goes soggy."
"Soggyは、形容詞で特に食べ物などが水に浸ることを意味します。食べ物が、不愉快に水に浸ってしまって柔らかくなる状態です。 例えば: ""I have it when cereal goes soggy."" 私はシリアルがよく水に浸ってから食べます。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • These are SOGGY NOODLES! Overdone/overcooked

  • My noodles became soggy...I left them sitting for too long.

When we cook pasta or noodles...( a very popular dishe globally) it is very important NOT to boil them for too long... Otherwise they become "soggy" :-( Al Dente is the ideal and prefered texture.
pastaパスタやnoodles麺(世界中で人気の料理)を調理する時は茹で過ぎない事が大切です。でなければ。"soggy" (ふやけた状態)になってしまいます。 :-( Al Denteアルデンテが理想的で完璧な食感です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • If you leave noodles in soup for too long they will absorb the soup and get soggy.

  • Leaving noodles inside soup makes the noodles get big and soggy.

If you want to explain to someone that when you leave noodles in soup for too long they get big and soft, you can say something like "If you leave noodles in soup for too long they will absorb the soup and get soggy." or "Leaving noodles inside soup makes the noodles get big and soggy.".
「麺はスープの中に長い時間漬けておくと伸びる」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "If you leave noodles in soup for too long they will absorb the soup and get soggy."(麺はスープの中に長い時間漬けておくと、スープを吸って伸びる) "Leaving noodles inside soup makes the noodles get big and soggy."(麺はスープの中に長い時間漬けておくと伸びる)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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