世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/13 18:24
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  • It went straight from summer to winter.

  • I don't remember having autumn this year.

  • We skipped fall and went straight into winter.

英訳1:直訳は「夏から直接冬に行った」 go straight (to...)は、I went straight to home.(直帰しました)のようにも使えます。 英訳2:直訳は「今年は秋を体験した記憶がありません」 remember -ingで、「…したことを忘れる」という意味を表します。 英訳3:直訳は「秋をスキップして、すぐに冬に行った」 その他の表現: - We skipped fall this year. - We went straight from summer to winter. - There was no autumn this year.
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • It feels like we skipped autumn and went straight to winter.

飛ばす、抜かす、はskipが適切かと思います。 例えば、順番待ちをしていたのにもかかわらず、次の人が呼ばれた時は Don't skip me! 「わたしを飛ばさないで!」と言うことができます。 go straight to winterの straight to は「直接、直行」などの意味があります。 straight を使わずに go to winter ということもできますが、straightを使ったほうが急に気候が変わった感じが伝わります。
  • It went straight from summer to winter

  • It feels like it has gone straight from summer to winter

These sentences means the weather has gone/turned colder and feels like it has skipped autumn and gone from hot (summer) to cold (winter) without anything in between So you could say 'It's gone straight from summer to winter'
2例とも、天気が一度に寒くなり、夏から秋を飛ばして冬が来たかのように感じることを表す言い方です。 以下のように言えます。 It's gone straight from summer to winter. (夏から冬にすっ飛びました。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We went straight from summer to winter!

  • What happened to autumn?

  • We skipped fall! It's winter already!

In the US, you can describe the season of autumn also as fall. When you are explaining how quickly the season and weather has changed, you can use the words skipped, missed or passed over. To express surprise you can say, "It's winter already!" Or you can express your surprise by saying, "Wow, what happened to autumn?"
アメリカでは、"autumn"(秋)のことを"fall"(秋)とも言います。季節・天気がすぐに変わってしまったことは、"skipped" "missed" "passed over" などで表せます。 驚きを表現するには、 "It's winter already!"(もう冬だよ!) "Wow, what happened to autumn?"(秋はどうしちゃったの!?) などが使えます。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • It feels like we skipped from summer and went straight to winter. It's so cold

  • Even though it should be autumn; it feels like we skipped it and went straight to winter

  • It went straight from summer to winter

When it was just summer but it has become so cold that you feel that autumn has been skipped, then you can express it in the following ways: -It feels like we skipped from summer and went straight to winter. It's so cold -Even though it should be autumn; it feels like we skipped it and went straight to winter -It went straight from summer to winter
夏だったのにすごく寒くなって、秋を通り越してしまったように感じるなら、それは以下のように表せます: -It feels like we skipped from summer and went straight to winter. It's so cold 夏から飛び越して、冬になったように感じる。とても寒い。 -Even though it should be autumn; it feels like we skipped it and went straight to winter 秋のはずなのに、通り越して冬になったみたいだ。 -It went straight from summer to winter 夏からすぐに冬になった。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The transition from summer to winter was very quick

When one period changes to another, it is known as 'a transition'. "The transition from Conservative to Labour government was a bruising one."
ある期間から別の期間に移り変わることは、'a transition'と言います。 "The transition from Conservative to Labour government was a bruising one." 保守党から労働党への政権交代はし烈だった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Seems like skipped autumn this year.

  • We breezed over autumn and went straight to winter.

  • It's almost as though we missed autumn this year.

This is a reflection that the weather switched from being mild to being bitterly cold. So instead of being able to ease into the winter by enjoying a mild autumn, winter is thrust upon us with the cold weather that it brings without having a season to adjust.
これは、温暖な天気から急に厳しい寒さになったことを表します。 暖かい秋を挟んでゆっくりと冬に入るのではなく、突然冬の寒さがやってきたということです。
Papo DMM英会話講師
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