世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英語の先生に”私は今日海外ドラマを見ていました”と言ったら、先生は”どのくらい理解した?”と聞かれました。 私は、a little bitとしか答えれなかったので、もう少し説明したいと思っています。
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2016/10/17 00:09
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  • I still watch English movies with Japanese subtitles.

I still watch English movies with Japanese subtitles. 私はいまだに英語の映画を日本語の字幕付きで見ます。 翻訳というのは字幕のことかと思いましたので以上のようにしました。字幕は subtitle(s) 、翻訳はtranslation です。
  • I understood everything - because I used subtitles!

  • Without subtitles, I would have struggled!

To be struggling = To be strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking: "John struggled for years before breaking through as an actor." To have difficulty or make a strenuous effort doing something: "Henry struggled to be polite." To move or progress with difficulty: "Sarah struggled up the steep slope." "How was that British drama you watched on TV last night?" "Without subtitles, I would have struggled!"
To be struggling = 難しい問題などに取り組むこと "John struggled for years before breaking through as an actor." (ジョンは俳優として活躍するまでに何年も奮闘した) または骨の折れる事に努力する事 "Henry struggled to be polite." (ヘンリーは丁寧に振る舞おうと努力した) 困難に感じる事 "Sarah struggled up the steep slope." (サラは急斜面を必死で登った) "How was that British drama you watched on TV last night?" (昨夜のイギリスドラマはどうだった) "Without subtitles, I would have struggled!" (字幕が無かったら大変だったよ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I understood a lot of it but I still needed the subtitles in Japanese.

  • I had to read the subtitles a lot in order to really understand the drama.

I understood a lot of it but I still needed the subtitles in Japanese.- This explains that you could understand the drama that you watched but in order to really understand everything, you needed to use the Japanese subtitles. 'To need' means it is necessary/essential. It was essential for you to use subtitles to understand everything. I had to read the subtitles a lot in order to really understand the drama.- this is another way of saying the same thing. 'I had to read...' means it was necessary/essential to read the subtitles to really understand.
I understood a lot of it but I still needed the subtitles in Japanese. 大体、理解することはできますが、日本語字幕がまだ必要です。 観ているドラマを理解することは出来るけど 細かいところまで本当に理解するためには日本語字幕が必要だ、と意味です。 'To need'とは、必要と言う意味です。 全部を理解するためには字幕が必要だという意味です。 I had to read the subtitles a lot in order to really understand the drama. 本当にドラマの内容を理解するためには字幕を読まなければいけません。 'I had to read...'とは、~する必要があるという意味です。 日本語字幕が必要だという意味です。
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • I still have the help of Japanese subtitles when I watch drama on TV

  • I understand a little bit here and there but I often read the subtitles when I watch drama

▪I still have the help of Japanese subtitles when I watch drama on TV When saying "I still have the help of Japanese Subtitles" indicates that the subtitles are on when you watch English drama and you read to help you understand. ▪I understand a little bit here and there but I often read the subtitles when I watch drama here and there but I often read the subtitles when I watch drama "I understand a little bit here and there" means that you do not understand everything, only certain areas of the TV show. Often= most of the time Example 1 Friend: Do you understand the English drama when you are watching it on TV You:I still have the help of Japanese subtitles when I watch drama on TV Example 2 Friend: Do you understand the English drama when you are watching it on TV You:I understand a little bit here and there but I often read the subtitles when I watch drama
▪I still have the help of Japanese subtitles when I watch drama on TV (私はテレビでドラマを観る時にはいまだに日本語字幕を使います) "I still have the help of Japanese Subtitles"と言うとあなたが英語のドラマを観る時には字幕がついていて、内容を理解するためにそれを読むことを示します。 ▪I understand a little bit here and there but I often read the subtitles when I watch drama. (所々わかりますがドラマを観る時はほとんど字幕を読みます) "I understand a little bit here and there"とはあなたが全て理解しておらずテレビ番組の特定のところのみ分かるという意味です。 Often(しばしば) = ほとんどの時 例1 友人: Do you understand the English drama when you are watching it on TV (英語のドラマをテレビで観る時それを理解することができますか) あなた:I still have the help of Japanese subtitles when I watch drama on TV (私はテレビでドラマを観る時にはいまだに日本語字幕を使います) 例2 友人: Do you understand the English drama when you are watching it on TV (英語のドラマをテレビで観る時それを理解することができますか) あなた: I understand a little bit here and there but I often read the subtitles when I watch drama. (所々わかりますがドラマを観る時はほとんど字幕を読みます)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I still watch English films with Japanese subtitles

  • I understood the drama as I watched with Japanese subtitiles on

  • I would have struggled to understand with the Japanese subtitles

Sometimes when trying to watch a drama or film it can be hard to watch and understand everything that is being said at the same time so you can put the words/subtitles on the screen to help If you are learning English then you would put Japanese subtitles on to help you understand better
ドラマや映画を見るとき、映像を見ながらセリフを理解するのが難しいことがありますね。そういうときには、画面に字幕(subtitles)を表示できます。 英語を学んでいるなら、日本語の字幕を表示します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • While watching English dramas I use Japanese subtitles

  • I read Japanese subtitles when I watch English dramas

"While watching English dramas I use Japanese subtitles" the use of subtitles refers to using subtitles in order to understand and read what the characters are saying. 'To use' implies you do or are doing something "I read Japanese subtitles when I watch English dramas" another easy and well used phrase in this context.
"While watching English dramas I use Japanese subtitles"(英語のドラマを見るときは日本語字幕を使います) = "Using subtitles" は、登場人物のセリフを理解するために字幕を使うことをいいます。'To use' は、何かをする、あるいは何かをしているというニュアンスです。 "I read Japanese subtitles when I watch English dramas"(英語のドラマを見るときは日本語字幕を読みます) = これも、この文脈でよく使われるシンプルなフレーズです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I watch foreign dramas with subtitles.

  • I still need to use subtitles to fully understand foreign dramas.

Subtitles = a written translation of what characters say in movies, T.V. shows or music.
Subtitles = 映画やテレビ、音楽などで、画面に表示される翻訳をいいます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I still watch English TV shows with subtitles

  • I still watch movies/shows with Japanese subtitles

When you want to explain that you still watch English dramas with Japanese subtitles; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I still watch English TV shows with subtitles -I still watch movies/shows with Japanese subtitles
「私はまだ英語のドラマを日本語字幕で見ている」は、次のように言えます。 -I still watch English TV shows with subtitles(私はまだ英語のテレビ番組を字幕で見ています) -I still watch movies/shows with Japanese subtitles(私はまだ映画/テレビ番組を日本語字幕で見ています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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