世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/17 14:02
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  • I can't wait to eat the in-flight meal.

  • I'm looking forward to the in-flight meal.

  • I wonder what they will serve on the plane!

機内食→in-flight meal 「機内食が楽しみ」2つ I can't wait to eat the in-flight meal.(すごく楽しみという気持ち) I'm looking forward to the in-flight meal. (普通の気持ち) 機内でどんな食事が出てくるかな!というキャジュアルなニュアンスなら→ I wonder what they will serve on the plane! (I wonder what will be served on the planeうけみの言い方でもいいけど。。。どっちかというとアメリカ英語ではこっちの方が自然です→I wonder what they will serve on the plane! (直訳→彼ら(フライトアテンダント)はどんなものを出すかな?) Enjoy your flight!
  • The highlight of the flight for me will be the meal!

  • I can't wait to try the airline food! It'll be my first time!

The idea of getting on a plane weighing hundreds of tons and then actually being aboard when it takes off, is an incredible thought for someone who has never flown. however sometimes the smaller details of the experience are also much anticipated. "John. wake up! Are you ready for your meal?" "Uh what? Yes! The highlight of the flight for me will be the meal!" "Well, it's coming now. Shall we order some wine?" "Oh yes!"
数百トンの重さの飛行機に乗って実際に飛行機に乗るという考えは、飛行機に乗ったことのない人にとっては信じられない考えです。しかし、細かい部分だって楽しみに満ちています。 "ジョン、目を覚まして!食事の準備はできたかな? "あ、何?はい!飛行機の一番の楽しみは食事になります!" "うん、もう来るよ、ワインを注文しようか?" ”ああいいね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking forward to the in-flight meal.

  • I can't wait to have the in-flight meal.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1)I am looking forward to the in-flight meal. 2)I can't wait to have the in-flight meal. Other adjectives you can use are excited,thrilled etc
次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1)I am looking forward to the in-flight meal. 機内食が楽しみです。 2)I can't wait to have the in-flight meal. その他"excited","thrilled"などの形容詞も使うことが出来ます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking forward to the in-flight meal

  • This is my first time on a plane. I would really like to try the in-flight meal

Most airlines offer some sort of meal service during flights whether it be snacks and drinks or an actual meal. You can explain this where necessary.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Finally! I can eat the in-flight meal!

  • I can't wait to eat/try out the in-flight meal for the first time!

Finally! I can eat the in-flight meal! ついに!機内食が食べられる! →"Finally"は「ついに!」とか「やっと」という表現! 一言で気持ちが伝わり安いのでいろいろなシーンで使います I can't wait to eat the in-flight meal for the first time! 初めて機内食を食べられるのが楽しみ! can't wait to:〜するのが楽しみ この表現も応用の効くフレーズです。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • This is my first journey by airplane and I am looking forward to my first in-flight meal.

  • The most exciting experience for me on this first air travel will be to taste my first in-flight meal.

For a person who is traveling by air for the first time, there can be a number of things he/she could be anticipating. In this case, you are looking forward to tasting your first in-flight meal. You might have heard that these in-flight meals can be very delicious and, as a result, you would like to have your own opinion by tasting it. Your expectation may be very high in this case. So, you may say: This is my first journey by airplane and I am looking forward to my first in-flight meal. or The most exciting experience for me on this first air travel will be to taste my first in-flight meal.
空の旅が初めての人にとっては楽しみなことが沢山あるでしょう。このケースではあなたは初めての機内食を食べることを楽しみにしています。とても美味しい機内食もあると聞いたことがあるかもしれませんが、やっぱり自分自身の意見は実際に味わってみないと言えませんね。 この場合は期待値がとても高い様子ですので、次のように表現できます。 This is my first journey by airplane and I am looking forward to my first in-flight meal. (飛行機の旅は今回が初めてで、機内食を楽しみにしています。) The most exciting experience for me on this first air travel will be to taste my first in-flight meal. (最初の空の旅で一番楽しみなことは機内食を味わう事です。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can't wait to see what the food is on this flight

  • I've never had airplane food before

  • I'm intrigued to see what airplane food tastes like

*I can't wait to see what the food is on this flight* MEANING= I'm so excited I just don't want to wait any see what airplane food tastes like *I've never had airplane food before* MEANING= I have never eaten on an airplane before *I'm intrigued to see what airplane food tastes like* MEANING= intrigued means to be curious. I'm curious about how the food tastes on an airplane. *You could also say...* *I've never been on a plane before, what does the food taste like on a plane? *Is the food nice on a plane? *What's the food like on a plane? *Does the food taste nice on a plane? *I've heard that food tastes different on a plane, is that true? *I wonder what the inflight meal will be Hope this helps! ^ ^
I can't wait to see what the food is on this flight. 意味=機内食がどんな味か、とてもわくわくして待ちきれません。 I've never had airplane food before. 意味=機内食を食べたことがありません。 I'm intrigued to see what airplane food tastes like. 意味=「intrigued」は好奇心があるという意味です。機内食がどんな味なのか興味があります。 以下のようにも言えるでしょう・・・ I've never been on a plane before, what does the food taste like on a plane? (飛行機に乗ったことがないのですが、機内食はどんな味ですか?) Is the food nice on a plane? What's the food like on a plane? Does the food taste nice on a plane? (機内食はおいしいですか?) I've heard that food tastes different on a plane, is that true? (機内食は違った味がすると聞きましたが、本当ですか?) I wonder what the inflight meal will be (機内食はどんなのかしら?) あなたの助けになれば!! ^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
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