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2016/10/20 18:44
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  • Could you wrap them separately?

「別々に」というのはseparatelyといいます。 友達と食事したときのお会計で、Can we pay separately?(別々にお会計できますか?)ということもできますね♪
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • Please can you wrap these presents separately?

  • Can you wrap these gifts individually?

  • Can you wrap each item alone please?

The words separately, individually and alone indiciate to the staff that you would like the presents to be wrapped one by one and not together. You can also tell the staff that these presents are for different people, so you 'don't want them to be wrapped together. Saying please at the end of start of your request shows added manners and is recieved well by the other person. Good luck with your shopping!
separately や individually、alone を使えば、店員に「プレゼントを一つ一つ別々に包んで欲しい」と伝えられます。 また、店員に「これは別の人にあげるから、一緒にして欲しくない(don't want them to be wrapped together)」と言うこともできます。 文頭・文末に please を付けると、より丁寧にお願いできて、印象がいいです。 買い物頑張ってね!
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Please wrap each present individually

  • Please wrap each present seperately

  • Would you be so kind to put each present in a separate package?

Wrapping presents individually is the most used expression. One can also say that gifts are wrapped separately.
wrapping presents individually (プレゼントを別々に包装すること)というのが一番よく使われる表現でしょう。gifts are wrapped seperately (ギフトが別々に包装されている)と言うこともできます。
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • Please wrap them separately!

  • May I have this wrapped separately, please?

"Separately" means that you would like to have the presents wrapped on its own, one by one and not together. "Please wrap them separately!" "May I have this wrapped separately, please?"
"separately"は、プレゼントをまとめてではなく、ひとつひとつ包んでもらいたいことを意味します。 "Please wrap them separately!" (別々に包んでください!) "May I have this wrapped separately, please?" (これを別々に包んでいただけますか?)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Wrap this one by itself, please.

  • Could you please wrap this item by itself?

  • Would you please leave this item alone and wrap it for me, please?

When going gift shopping it is important to know how to communicate effectively with the clerk so he or she can assist you with your present buying. At some gift shops, a clerk may ask you if you would like your gifts wrapped. He might ask like this: "Are these items gifts?" If they are gifts and you say" yes", and then he will respond kindly and say: " Would you like me to wrap these gifts for you?". To clarify that an item should be wrapped separately and not together with other items, ask the clerk the following: "could you please wrap this item by itself, please?" Separately = by itself, alone Whenever talking in public, it is always a good idea when asking for something to add 'please' at the end. Please adds politeness.
買い物に行く時、店員さんとうまく意思疎通が出来る子とはとても重要です。 そうすることによって店員さんがあなたのプレゼントの買い物をうまく手伝ってくれます。 ギフトショップなどでは店員さんがプレゼント用にラッピングするかどうか尋ねてくれますよね。 次のように尋ねるかもしれません。 "Are these items gifts?" (プレゼント用ですか?) それがプレゼント用であれば " yes"(はい)と答えましょう。 そして親切に答えてくれるでしょう。 " Would you like me to wrap these gifts for you?". (プレゼント用に包装しましょうか?) 次の表現を使って、はっきりと別の物と一緒ではなく別々に包装してほしい事を伝えましょう。 "Could you please wrap this item by itself, please?" (これたけ別に包装してもらえますか?) Separately = 別に、それだけで 公共の場で何かを尋ねる時はいつも'please'を文末に付けるといいかもしれませんね。 "Please"を付けると丁寧になります。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Could you wrap this one on its own please?

  • Could you wrap these together please?

Well, it depends what you want to do - wrap things individually or wrap them together or do a bit of both? Well, in that case you need to group the things you want wrapped together and separate those things you want wrapped individually - then it will be clear when you give instructions! "Could you wrap this one on its own please?" "Could you wrap these together please?"
何がしたいかにもよります。それぞれをラップして欲しい、もしかくは全部一緒にラップして欲しい、それとも両方なのか。この場合、一緒にラップして欲しいものをひとつのグループにして、一つずつラップして欲しいものは別々にした方がいいでしょうね。そうすれば指示が的確に伝わるでしょう。 "Could you wrap this one on its own please?" これは別に包んでもらえますか? "Could you wrap these together please?" これら全部一緒に包んでください。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you wrap this separately please?

  • I'd like this to be separately wrapped. Thank you.

  • Could you please wrap both of these presents separately?

You can mention one of the presents to be individually wrapped alone and the shop staff would understand your meaning that both presents should be wrapped separately and that they are meant for different people. It is a common question that is asked. Also being polite might get your present to be wrapped in an extra special way! Hope this helps!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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