Could you...? を使ってちゃんとお願いするように言えば、相手も気分を害することなく素直に従ってくれるはず。
少しニュアンスは違いますが、Please line up properly. は[子供](たちにたいして先生が使いそうな言い方。
Please form an orderly line. はより丁寧なニュアンスがあり、例えば[ディズニーランド](などでスタッフが客に対して使うようなイメージです。
Usually, when someone cuts in line in front of us, they are being rude and impolite. You can use any of these statements to ask the person to join the line.
'Excuse me, please get in line."
Very polite and simple statement.
"There is a line here, please join at the end."
"Please do not rush, I was here first."
'Excuse me, please get in line."
"There is a line here, please join at the end."
"Please do not rush, I was here first."
"Please stop cutting in."
You are letting them know that you are aware of them cutting in instead of waiting .
"Please join the queue at the back."
This is a polite request for that person to go to the back of the line and wait in an orderly manner.
queue = a line or sequence of people awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed.
"Please stop cutting in."
"Please join the queue at the back."
queue = 待っている人の列
A) Excuse me i was here first please get in line.
*Excuse me -used as a polite apology in various contexts, such as when attempting to get someone's attention, asking someone to move so that one may pass, or interrupting a speaker.
*first -1st
B) No cutting in.
- When you're in a line and someone tries to barge in front of you.
I hope this helps :-)
A) Excuse me i was here first please get in line.
*Excuse meは、いろいろな場面で丁寧な謝罪として使えます。
誰かの注意を引きたい場合、誰かに道をあけてもらい、通れるように頼む場合、話している人に中断してもらう場合にも 使います。
B) No cutting in.
横入りしないでください。 あなたが並んでいて誰かが横入りしようとしているときに使います。
excuse me' is a polite way to get someones attention and telling them the end of the line is back there gives them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't realise there was a line.
There is a queue means people are queuing up in the line while waiting to be served.
excuse me'とは、誰かの注意を引き、後ろに列があることを伝えるのに丁寧な表現です。もしかしたら、その人は列があるのに気づいていなかっただけかもしれませんからね。
There is a queueとは、列に着いて順番を待っているという意味です。
Please don't cut the line...there is already a queue
Someitmes people are a bit "pushy" and seem to feel they can jump the queue!
This is sometimes aa a result of a "cultural rift..."
(In some societies the concept of queuing simply does not exist:-))
But more often than not its just someone feeling " entitled" to break the queue...
Simply remind them that "there are already people waiting in line"
ただこういう人には"there are already people waiting in line(人がすでに列に並んで待っている)”と注意すればよいでしょう。
When someobody pushed into a queue in front of me, I would say something on the lines of:
Please go to the back of the queue
Form an orderly queue
Please get in line
Excuse me, you pushed in front of us
Please go to the back of the queue
Form an orderly queue
Please get in line
Excuse me, you pushed in front of us
Please get in line.
Please line up like everyone else.
line は「列」という意味です。
line up と言うと「並ぶ」になります。
You can use any of these sentences to let them know that they cannot cut the line like what they did.Since everyone has been waiting for a long time it is rude to cut the line.
A lot of places where you will be doing a lot of waiting may say this phrase. Such as the movie theater or waiting for a sporting event. If there is a crowd of people standing unorganized, someone might announce to "form a line" to make it more organized.
もし、乱れて立っている集団がいれば、誰かがよりきちんと並ぶために「form a line」と言うかもしれません。