When are you free during weekdays? 「平日はいつ空いていますか。」
"weekdays"は月曜日から金曜日までの平日ですが、"during the week"だと1週間全体を指しますので使い分けてください。
- I'm usually free during weekdays, but not this week.
- I'm only free on weekdays in the evening.
- Are you free during weekdays or only on the weekend?
When do you have time during weekdays?
When can I see you during weekdays?
Could you make some time for me during weekdays?
.Which day of the week do you usually take a breather?
You might also informally ask :
1.When will you have time to kill next week?
2.Which day of the week do you usually have some spare time?
You might also informally ask :
1.When will you have time to kill next week?
2.Which day of the week do you usually have some spare time?
We live busy lives and time managment is becoming crucial for good quality of life.
In this case we are being asked if we have any free time NOT on the week-end! But instead..." during the week";-D
"Do you have any spare time during the week?"
"Do you have any spare time during the week?"
Do you have any free time this week, Monday to Friday?
Is there a particular weekday you are free ?
All of these questions are asking if someone has free time during the weekday. e.g. Monday to Friday not weekend - Saturday or Sunday.
When we ask for a particular weekday we expect the answer with a name of a day e.g Monday etc.
Hope this helps
"When do you have time during the week?" = Monday to Friday.
A : When do you have time during the week?
B : My lunch break is 13:00 - 14:00.
A : Can I see you on Wednesday, at 13:00?
"When do you have time during the week?" = Monday to Friday.
A : When do you have time during the week?
B : My lunch break is 13:00 - 14:00.
A : Can I see you on Wednesday, at 13:00?
During the week=Monday to Friday、月曜日から金曜日。
A. 平日はいつ時間ある?
B. お昼休みは午後1時から2時までだけど。
A. 水曜日の1時半に会えるかな?
I have used the noun 'working week to mean 'the time when most people are working during a week, usually from Monday to Friday.
Saturdays and Sundays are excluded in this case because they belong to the weekend and are therefore not part of the working week.
However, if the company's management decided to include Saturday to the working week, this might leave only Sunday as a weekend.
・Do you have time on a weekday?
weekday は「平日」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。
weekend と言えば「週末」となります。
・When are you free on a weekday?
weekday で「平日」という意味になります。
weekend と言うと「週末」になります。