I am suffering from lack of sleep and have a headache
I need to sleep! I have a pounding headache!
"Suffering from lack of..." we use this expression when we are physically affected by a deficiency of something: "I am suffering from lack of vitamin C."
"I have a pounding headache." A pounding headache is a very severe one. To pound means to hit or strike and you can imagine the feeling of receiving blows to the head.
For example, a migraine is a 'pounding headache.'
"Suffering from lack of..." この表現は、何かが足りないことで身体的に苦しいことを表します。
"I am suffering from lack of vitamin C."ビタミンC不足でしんどいや。
"I have a pounding headache." A pounding headache はすごくきつい頭痛のことを言います。
To pound とは、ぶつける、殴る、という意味で頭を殴られているような感じを想像することを意味します。
例えば、a migraine is a 'pounding headache.'
Headache (noun)
a continuous pain in the head
A: What's wrong?
B: My head is killing me. I need to sleep.
A. どうしたの?
B. 頭が死ぬほど痛くて。
I've got a headache because I didn't sleep last night.
I've had a headache because I haven't been sleeping well lately.
I have a splitting headache from a lack of sleep.
I've got a headache because I didn't sleep last night.
More casual way:
I've got a headache cos I didn't sleep last night.
I have a splitting headache from a lack of sleep.
splitting headache: very painful/terrible/intense headache
I've had a headache because I haven't been sleeping well lately.
If you have been trying but have not been able to sleep during the night, you can use this phrase 'i have not been sleeping well lately'.
If you are tired because you have been staying out late, you can say, 'I haven't gotten much sleep lately..'
'I need to hit the sack/hay'
'I need to get some shut eye'
both mean: I need to get some sleep.
I've got a headache because I didn't sleep last night.
砕けた表現は以下のようになります: I've got a headache cos I didn't sleep last night.
I have a splitting headache from a lack of sleep.
splitting headache: 激しい痛み/酷い/強い頭痛
I've had a headache because I haven't been sleeping well lately.
もし、あなたが睡眠をとる努力をしているのに、最近よく眠れないという状況は'i have not been sleeping well lately'.で表すことが出来ます。
最近遅くまで起きていることが多く、寝不足で疲れているのであれば、'I haven't gotten much sleep lately..'と言えます。
'I need to hit the sack/hay'
'I need to get some shut eye'
i didn't sleep very well and i have a pounding headache.
"i have a pounding headache, i didn't sleep last night".
"my headache is terrible, I didn't sleep very well last night".
"i didn't sleep well last night and i have a terrible
headache today".
"I have a pounding headache, I didn't sleep last night".
"My headache is terrible, I didn't sleep very well last night".
"I didn't sleep well last night and I have a terrible
headache today".
When talking about illness that comes from not sleeping well, we can say that it is, "due to lack of sleep." Equally we can also say that the headache is, "because I didn't sleep well," rather than using the construction with, "due to." When using because we must restate a subject and the verb again to make it grammatically correct.
I have a terrible headache due to lack of sleep.
see you soon♪