世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/25 16:08
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  • I have mixed feelings about you going abroad.

君が海外に行ってしまうのは複雑な気持ちだよ。 Have mixed feelings : 複雑な気持ちだよ。よくわからない気持ちだよ。
  • I'm happy for her, but I'll miss her.

  • I'm happy for her, but I'm sorry to see her go.

「寂しい」は「lonely」になりますが、それは「なんにも友達がいない」というとき。 決まった人(かペットなど)がいなくなるときの「寂しい」は、英語で動詞の「miss」を使います。 生きていないものでもmissできます。 I miss my old computer. I don't like this one. 前のパソコン、寂しい。今のはあまり好きじゃない。
Tim Young 主催
  • I have mixed emotions about my friend going abroad.

  • I'm want to laugh and cry at the same time.

  • I'm happy for her, but I'll miss her alot.

1. I have mixed emotions about my friend going abroad. This statement is used to express that you will be both happy and sad at the same time. Certain situations can make us feel this way if it brings us joy and sadness at the same time. 2. I'm want to laugh and cry at the same time. If someone or something makes you happy at the same time it makes you sad, you can use this statement. 3. I'm happy for her, but I'll miss her alot. Example:_ A. Your best friend in the department got a promotion and will be leaving this department to go to another department, how do you feel? B. I'm happy for her, but I'll miss her alot.
1. I have mixed emotions about my friend going abroad. この表現は同時に嬉しいと悲しいの両方の表現に使うことができます。 ある状況が同時に楽しみと悲しみをもたらすのであれば、この表現を感じさせます。 2. I'm want to laugh and cry at the same time. 誰かや何かが同時に幸せに、そして悲しくさせるのであれば、この表現を使うことができます。 3. I'm happy for her, but I'll miss her alot. 例文 A. Your best friend in the department got a promotion and will be leaving this department to go to another department, how do you feel? あなたの友達がその部門で昇格しました、この部門を離れて他の部門にいきます。どう感じますか? B. I'm happy for her, but I'll miss her alot. 嬉しいですが、非常に悲しいです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I am happy to see her go but I will definitely miss her very much.

>I am happy to see her go but I will definitely miss her very much.! This clearly indicates that you are happy for her that is going to follow her dreams, but you will miss her a lot. -definitely=without doubt
I am happy to see her go but I will definitely miss her very much. 彼女が夢に向かって進むのは嬉しいが、寂しいという意味の表現です。 definitely=疑うことなくという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My friend's going abroad to follow her dreams. I feel ambivalent about it.

  • I'm very happy that my friend's going abroad to pursue her dreams but I also feel sad because I won't be able to see her. I have mixed feelings about it.

A casual way of explaining two opposite emotions is 'mixed feelings'. Although, it can also be used to talk about more than two emotions or feelings. Example: I have mixed feelings about a possible promotion next month. I'm happy and excited but I also feel scared and anxious. To make it a little more formal, other people use the term 'ambivalent' which is more specific for feeling two opposite emotions at the same time. Health professionals use this term. Example: I am a bit ambivalent about a possible promotion next month. I'm happy and excited but I also feel scared and anxious.
「mixed feelings」とは2つの異なる感情を表現する気軽な言い方です。 ですが、2つ以上の感情や感覚について話すために使われることもできます。 例文 I have mixed feelings about a possible promotion next month. I'm happy and excited but I also feel scared and anxious. 来月昇格可能ということについて複雑な気持ちです。嬉しくて、興奮していますが、怖くて心配な気持ちもあります。 もう少し公式的にするために「ambivalent」という用語を同時に反する感情を感じるということをより特定する意味で使います。 例文 I am a bit ambivalent about a possible promotion next month. I'm happy and excited but I also feel scared and anxious. 来月の昇格可能について複雑です。嬉しくて、興奮していますが、怖くて心配な気持ちもあります。
  • I'm happy for you but I miss you already

"I'm happy for you but I miss you already." This sentence tells someone that you are happy about their new situation and that you are glad for them but at the same time it indicates that you will miss their company and that you are already feeling sad about their departure.
"I'm happy for you but I miss you already."(うれしいよ、でも、もうさみしい) 相手の状況をうれしく思う一方、一緒にいられなくなるさみしさも感じていると伝えています。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm happy you're following your dreams but I'm really going to miss you.

  • I'm happy for you but I am sad to see you leave

When you're happy for someone but sad to see them leave, you might say something like: -I'm happy you're following your dreams but I'm really going to miss you. -I'm happy for you but I am sad to see you leave -I have mixed feelings about you leaving. I'm happy you're chasing your dreams, but I am going to miss you.
人に対して嬉しく思っているけど離れていくのを見るのが寂しいと思う時は、以下のように言うかもしれません。 例文 -I'm happy you're following your dreams but I'm really going to miss you. あなたが自分の夢を追っているのは嬉しいけど、あなたがいなくなると寂しくなるだろうね -I'm happy for you but I am sad to see you leave 本当に良かったと思っているけど、あなたがいなくなるのを見るのが寂しい -I have mixed feelings about you leaving. I'm happy you're chasing your dreams, but I am going to miss you. あなたがいなくなることには複雑な気持ちだ。あなたが自分の夢を追っているのは嬉しいけど、あなたがいなくなると寂しくなるだろうね
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My happiness for you is marred by a dread of my own future loneliness

  • The delight I feel for your happiness is tinged by my personal feelings of loss

You may feel happy for your friend that they are pursuing their dreams. Then it dawns on you that their absence will leave you totally alone with no soul mate. You will miss your friend. So your happiness for your friend is countered by an overwhelming dread of future loneliness.
夢を追う友達に嬉しく思う一方でいなくなってしまう寂しさが胸に残るでしょう。 友達がいなくなって寂しい。友達のために嬉しく思う気持ちと相反して将来寂しくなる気持ちが現れているんですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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